11  行政区划2007
Administrative Divisions (2007)
单位:个           (unit)
         Region 街道办事处 居委会 村委会
Townships Towns Urban Sub-
-district Offices
Village Committees
全市总计 Total 308 589 129 2066 9065
万州区 Wanzhou District 13 28 11 184 448
涪陵区 Fuling District 22 18 5 68 348
渝中区 Yuzhong District 12 76
大渡口区 Dadukou District 3 5 42 32
江北区 Jiangbei District 3 9 66 51
沙坪坝区 Shapingba District 12 13 119 87
九龙坡区 Jiulongpo District 11 7 84 110
南岸区 Nan'an District 7 7 72 69
北碚区 Beibei District 12 5 59 119
万盛区 Wansheng District 8 2 28 57
双桥区 Shuangqiao District 2 1 8 14
渝北区 Yubei District 12 12 88 248
巴南区 Ba'nan District 19 2 77 200
黔江区 Qianjiang District 12 15 3 50 172
长寿区 Changshou District 16 2 22 226
江津区 Jiangjin District 23 3 77 189
合川区 Hechuan District 27 3 54 517
永川区 Yongchuan District 19 3 45 208
南川区 Nanchuan District 17 14 3 58 192
綦江县 Qijiang County 17 3 47 314
潼南县 Tongnan County 3 17 2 21 281
铜梁县 Tongliang County 3 22 3 57 269
大足县 Dazu County 2 20 2 50 242
荣昌县 Rongchang County 18 3 75 92
璧山县 Bishan County 1 10 2 35 151
梁平县 Liangping County 8 25 24 315
城口县 Chengkou County 17 7 15 188
丰都县 Fengdu County 12 19 45 310
垫江县 Dianjiang County 4 21 40 263
武隆县 Wulong County 15 11 24 187
    Zhongxian County 6 22 44 321
    Kaixian County 13 21 4 65 443
云阳县 Yunyang County 20 22 2 75 437
奉节县 Fengjie County 14 16 27 359
巫山县 Wushan County 15 11 27 315
巫溪县 Wuxi County 20 10 25 296
石柱土家族自治县 Shizhu County 20 12 27 214
秀山土家族苗族自治县 Xiushan County 18 14 32 237
酉阳土家族苗族自治县 Youyang County 25 14 8 270
彭水苗族土家族自治县 Pengshui County 28 11   26 274
Note: Neighborhood committees includes community neighborhood committees. Neighborhood committees and  village committees of High-tech
          Development Zone and Economic & Technology Development Zone are divided into Jiulongpo District and Yubei District respectively.