1-5 续表1 1-5  CONTINUED-1
        Item 总量指标 总量指标 速度指标(%
Aggregate Indicators Aggregate Indicators Indices and Growth Rate
1995 1996 2000 2006 2007 指  数(2007为以下各年) 平均增长速度
Index (2007 as percentage of the following years) Average Growth Rate
1995 1996 2000 2006 1996-2000 2001-2005 1997-2007
            Tea 1.75 1.55 1.45 1.71 1.89 108.0 121.9 130.3 110.5 -3.7 2.6 1.8
            Fruit 59.29 56.62 81.68 145.74 175.89 296.7 310.6 215.3 120.7 6.6 13.6 10.9
            Meat 127.22 133.22 143.91 176.85 178.54 140.3 134.0 124.1 101.0 2.5 4.4 2.7
    #猪          Pork 112.27 114.18 122.45 142.15 142.41 126.8 124.7 116.3 100.2 1.8 3.4 2.0
    水产品     Aquatic Products 12.13 14.07 20.03 22.61 25.54 210.6 181.5 127.5 113.0 10.6 4.6 5.6
    业(规模以上) Industry (above Desingated Size)          
工业总产值(亿元) Gross Output Value of Industry (100 million yuan)   730.41 962.32 3214.23 4363.25   135.7 21.3 17.6
工业增加值(亿元) Value-added of Industry (100 million yuan)   199.72 287.50 845.38 1234.06   125.1 19.5 16.4
主营业务收入(亿元) Major Sales Value (100 million yuan)   711.34 959.36 3200.80 4262.99   599.3 444.4 133.2   21.3 17.7
利税总额(亿元) Total Pre-tax Profits (100 million yuan)   48.04 85.57 319.21 502.56   1046.1 587.3 157.4   24.6 23.8
经济效益综合指数(% Comprehensive index of Economic Efficiency (%)   63.77 87.10 153.70 187.70    
产品销售率(% Ratio of Sales to Products (%)   96.50 99.10 98.44 97.08    
全员劳动生产率(元/人年) Overall Labor Productivity (yuan/person-year)   13546 31081 87750 127993   944.9 411.8 145.9   20.1 22.7
主要工业产品产量 Output of Major Industrial Products          
        煤(万吨)     Coal (10 000 tons)   1498.72 1149.90 2172.19 2711.65   180.9 235.8 113.2   11.2 5.5
  天然气(亿立方米)     Natural Gas (100 million cu.m)   26.10 38.98 70.88 71.11   272.5 182.4 100.3   7.9 9.5
    发电量(亿千瓦时)     Electricity (100 million kwh)   128.73 167.90 275.44 325.22   252.6 193.7 118.1   6.9 9.6
        材(万吨)     Steel Products (10 000 tons)   117.55 156.98 382.87 436.57   371.4 278.1 113.9   13.4 12.7
    材(万吨)     Aluminum Products (10 000 tons)   7.36 13.98 66.41 81.13   1102.3 580.3 120.0   23.0 24.4
        泥(万吨)     Cement (10 000 tons)   648.76 1402.78 2533.84 2819.92   434.7 201.0 111.0   8.4 14.3
        车(万辆)     Motor Vehicles (10 000 vehicles)   12.41 24.59 51.99 70.80   570.5 287.9 136.2   11.4 17.2
    摩托车(万辆)     Motorcycles (10 000 vehicles)   177.36 191.07 534.60 638.25   359.9 334.0 119.9   17.1 12.3
        酒(万千升)     Beer (10 000 kiloliters)   28.54 50.42 64.73 76.49   268.0 151.7 107.5   1.3 9.4
        烟(亿支)     Cigarettes (100 million units)   453.91 343.50 406.00 426.00   93.9 124.0 104.9   2.9 -0.6
建筑业(资质等级四级以上) Construction (Grade 4 and above)          
建筑业总产值(亿元) Gross Output Value of Construction (100 million yuan)   205.30 348.66 895.09 1128.71   549.8 323.7 126.1 17.6 16.8
建筑业增加值(亿元) Value-added of Construction (100 million yuan)   56.43 94.52 194.58 234.22   415.1 247.8 120.4 12.7 13.8
房屋施工面积(万平方米) Floor Space Under Construction (10 000 sq.m)   4065.24 6088.49 11522.42 13866.76   341.1 227.8 120.3 12.0 11.8
房屋竣工面积(万平方米) Floor Space Completed (10 000 sq.m)   2276.97 3083.72 5309.27 5750.65   252.6 186.5 108.3 10.8 8.8
交通运输业 Transportation          
客运量(万人) Passenger Traffic (10 000 persons) 39731 42370 56969 61228 77187 194.3 182.2 135.5 126.1 7.5 1.2 5.6
            Railway 1962 972 1442 1388 2171 110.7 223.4 150.6 156.4 -6.0 -3.2 7.6
            Highway 34379 37410 53170 58179 73316 213.3 196.0 137.9 126.0 9.1 1.6 6.3
            Waterway 3352 3900 2240 1421 1366 40.8 35.0 61.0 96.1 -7.7 -9.1 -9.1
            Civil Aviation 38 88 117 240 334 878.9 379.5 285.5 139.2 25.2 13.9 12.9
货运量(万吨) Freight Traffic (10 000 tons) 22796 24339 26852 42808 49970 219.2 205.3 186.1 116.7 3.3 7.9 6.8
#铁        Railway 2960 1633 1812 2000 2051 69.3 125.6 113.2 102.5 -9.3 1.2 2.1
            Highway 18253 20214 23646 36254 42011 230.2 207.8 177.7 115.9 5.3 7.1 6.9
            Waterway 1582 2491 1392 4551 5904 373.2 237.0 424.1 129.7 -2.5 22.8 8.2
            Civil Aviation 0.70 1.20 2.40 2.70 3.96 565.7 330.0 165.0 146.7 27.9 3.7 11.5
港口货物吞吐量(万吨) Freight handled at Ports (10 000 tons) 853.00 1076.00 2448.00 5420.43 6433.54 754.2 597.9 262.8 118.7 23.5 16.5 17.7
注:1)工业总产值的绝对值和指数按现价计算;工业增加值的绝对值按现价计算,指数按可比价计算。   Note: a) Data of industry are calculated at current prices except that index of industrial value-add is at comparable prices.
    2)建筑业2003年起的所有数据均不包括劳务分包企业;其增加值2003年前按工程结算利润计算,从2003年起按营业利润           b) All data of construction since 2003 exclude construction enterprises of work subcontractors. Value-added is calculated in terms of profits 
              计算(以下各表同)。               of project settled accounts before 2003, whereas in terms of business profits since 2003 (the same applies to the following tables).
    3)从2000年起民航货运量按新制度统计,旅客行李不再计入货运。              c) Freight traffic of civil aviation exclude the baggages in accordance with new tatistical system since 2000.
    4)1996年起铁路数据按重庆现地域进行了调整(以下各表同)。           d) Data of railway have been adjusted according to present district of Chongqing since 1996 (the same applies to the following tables).