1-5 续表2 1-5  CONTINUED-2
        Item 总量指标 总量指标 速度指标(%
Aggregate Indicators Aggregate Indicators Indices and Growth Rate
1995 1996 2000 2006 2007 指  数(2007为以下各年) 平均增长速度
Index (2007 as percentage of the following years) Average Growth Rate
1995 1996 2000 2006 1996-2000 2001-2005 1997-2007
邮电通信业 Postal and Telecommunication Services                        
邮电业务总量(亿元) Business Volume (100 million yuan) 10.96 15.99 85.82 276.18 365.81 3337.7 2287.7 426.3 132.5 50.9 19.6 32.9
本地电话用户(万户) Local Telephone Subscribers (10 000 subscribers) 37.24 66.50 268.43 725.50 723.13 1941.8 1087.4 269.4 99.7 48.4 20.7 24.2
移动电话用户(万户) Mobile Telephone Subscribers (10 000 subscribers) 3.62 9.00 160.00 1064.60 1176.90 32511.0 13076.7 735.6 110.5 113.3 42.6 55.7
互联网络用户(万户) Internet Subscribers (10 000 subscribers)   0.03 10.00 140.60 169.30   564333.3 1693.0 120.4   66.7 119.3
国内商业 Domestic Trade        
社会消费品零售总额(亿元) Retail Sales of Consumer Goods (100 million yuan) 416.13 498.63 719.95 1403.58 1661.23 399.2 333.2 230.7 118.4 11.6 11.0 11.6
#批发零售贸易业     Wholesale and Retail Trade 367.52 438.07 627.36 1196.37 1386.19 377.2 316.4 221.0 115.9 11.3 10.7 11.0
    餐饮业     Catering Trade 43.88 54.45 84.16 194.28 235.74 537.2 432.9 280.1 121.3 13.9 14.0 14.3
对外贸易 Foreign Trade        
进出口总值(亿美元) Total Imports and Exports (USD 100 million) 14.19 15.85 17.85 54.70 74.45 524.7 469.7 417.1 136.1 4.7 19.2 15.1
    进口总值     Imports 5.71 9.92 7.90 21.18 29.38 514.5 296.2 371.9 138.7 6.7 17.5 10.4
    出口总值     Exports 8.47 5.94 9.95 33.52 45.08 532.2 758.9 453.1 134.5 3.3 20.4 20.2
利用外资 Utilization of Foreign Capital            
实际利用外资额(亿美元) Foreign Capital Actually Utilized (USD 100 million) 6.16 4.42 3.45 8.77 12.20 198.1 276.0 353.6 139.1 -10.9 15.3 9.7
#外商直接投资额     Foreign Direct Investment 3.79 2.19 2.44 6.96 10.85 286.3 495.4 444.7 155.9 -8.4 16.2 15.7
国际旅游 International Tourism        
国际旅游人数(万人次) International Tourists (10 000 person-time) 14.29 16.18 26.61 60.32 76.17 533.0 470.8 286.2 126.3 13.2 14.5 15.1
旅游外汇收入(万美元) Foreign Exchange Earnings from International Tourism (USD 10 000) 6333 7090 13837 30872 38231 603.7 539.2 276.3 123.8 16.9 13.8 16.6
    融(亿元) Finance  (100 million yuan)        
金融机构人民币存款年末余额 Deposit Balance in RMB of Financial Institutions 676.70 846.43 1904.71 5519.75 6576.68 971.9 777.0 345.3 119.1 23.0 19.9 20.5
#城乡居民储蓄存款     Saving Deposits of Urban and Rural Residents 401.45 500.71 1085.36 2949.05 3228.15 804.1 644.7 297.4 109.5 22.0 18.6 18.5
金融机构人民币贷款年末余额 Loan Balance of in RMB of Financial Institutions 755.39 913.93 1881.29 4388.28 5131.69 679.3 561.5 272.8 116.9 20.0 14.6 17.0
保险公司保费收入 Insurance Premium of Insurance Companies   12.82 27.71 93.24 124.68   972.5 449.9 133.7   21.4 23.0
保险公司赔款及给付 Indemnity Expenditure and Payment of Insurance Companies   6.48 8.27 20.51 35.25   544.0 426.2 171.9   16.3 16.6
教育、科技、文化 Education, Science, Technology and Culture        
专任教师(人) Full-time Teachers (person)        
#普通高等学校     Regular Institutions of Higher Education 9409 9400 10449 23717 26089 277.3 277.5 249.7 110.0 2.1 14.1 9.7
    普通中等专业学校     Specialized Secondary Schools 4542 4505 4125 1888 2036 44.8 45.2 49.4 107.8 -1.9 -10.8 -7.0
    普通中学     Regular Secondary Schools 67498 69503 81766 95782 99807 147.9 143.6 122.1 104.2 3.9 2.8 3.3
            Primary Schools 117497 117711 119014 113724 119831 102.0 101.8 100.7 105.4 0.3 -0.8 0.2
在校学生数(万人) Student Enrollment (10 000 persons)        
#普通高等学校     Regular Institutions of Higher Education 7.34 7.99 13.25 40.51 44.58 607.4 557.9 336.5 110.0 12.5 22.0 16.9
    普通中等专业学校     Specialized Secondary Schools 6.27 6.95 8.45 10.67 10.70 170.7 154.0 126.6 100.3 6.1 2.8 4.0
    普通中学     Regular Secondary Schools 97.71 101.27 147.79 179.41 183.44 187.7 181.1 124.1 102.2 8.6 3.3 5.5
            Primary Schools 263.86 273.71 276.13 252.38 238.45 90.4 87.1 86.4 94.5 0.9 -1.1 -1.2
    Science and Technology        
技术市场成交额(万元) Transaction Value of Technology Exchanges (10 000 yuan) 26360 34344 296594 568381 398158 1511.3 1159.3 134.2 70.1 62.3 3.8 25.0
Note: a) Data on total business volume from postal and telecommunication services before 2001 were in terms of 1990 constant price, and since
              2001 were in terms of 2000 constant price (the same as following tables).
          b) Data of regular institution of higher education include graduate students.