18  平均每天主要社会经济活动
Average Daily Level of Main Social and Economic Activities
              Item 1995 1996 2000 2006 2007
每天创造的财富 Daily Production          
本市生产总值(万元) Gross Domestic Product (10 000 yuan) 27842 32533 43922 94579 112945
  第一产业  Primary Industry 7238 7878 7805 10586 13216
  第二产业  Secondary Industry 11295 12995 17091 41122 51838
    #工      Industry 9857 11298 14029 33812 43076
  第三产业  Tertiary Industry 9309 11660 19026 42871 47891
地方财政收入(万元) Local Financial Revenue (10 000 yuan) 1254 1500 2862 14506 21604
    食(吨) Grain (ton) 31608 32113 30992 24945 31452
    料(吨) Oil-bearing Crops (ton) 688 647 851 1105 1199
    类(吨) Meat (ton) 3485 3560 3943 4845 4892
#猪   Pork 3076 3128 3355 3895 3902
水产品(吨) Aquatic Products (ton) 332 385 549 620 700
    煤(吨) Coal (ton)   41061 31504 59512 74292
天然气(万立方米) Natural Gas (10 000 cu.m)   715 1068 1942 1948
发电量(万千瓦小时) Electricity (10 000 kwh)   3527 4600 7546 9654
    材(吨) Steel Products (ton)   3221 4301 10490 11961
    泥(吨) Cement (ton)   17774 38432 69420 77258
    车(辆) Motor Vehicles (unit)   340 674 1424 1940
摩托车(辆) Motorcycles (unit)   4859 5235 14647 17486
每天消费量 Daily Consumption    
最终消费(万元) Final Consumption Expenditures
  (10 000 yuan)
16235 20421 27340 56082 67411
  居民消费  Household Consumption Expenditure 13375 16691 21157 41602 50422
        Agricultural Households 5529 6962 8159 9714 11255
        Non-agricultural Households 7846 9729 12998 31888 39167
  政府消费  Government Consumption Expenditure 2860 3730 6183 14480 16989
地方财政支出(万元) Local Financial Expenditures (10 000 yuan) 1814 2176 5547 22471 30201
社会消费品零售总额(万元) Retail Sales of Consumer Goods
  (10 000 yuan)
11401 13661 19725 38454 45513
每天其他经济活动 Other Daily Economic Activities    
资本形成总额(万元) Gross Capital Formation (10 000 yuan)   19004 60460 73402
  固定资产形成  Fixed Capital Formation   17206 58581 70900
  存货增加  Changes in Inventory   1798 1879 2502
客运量(万人) Passenger Traffic (10 000 persons) 108.85 116.08 156.08 167.75 211.47
货运量(万吨) Freight Traffic (10 000 tons) 62.45 66.68 73.57 117.28 136.90
港口货物吞吐量(万吨) Freight Handled at Ports (10 000 tons) 2.34 2.95 6.71 14.85 17.63
邮电业务总量(万元) Business Volume of Postal and Tele-
  communication Services (10 000 yuan)
300 438 2351 7566 10022
进出口总额(万美元) Total Imports and Exports (USD 10 000) 388.77 434.25 489.04 1498.63 2039.73
  进口总额  Imports 156.44 271.78 216.44 580.27 804.93
  出口总额  Exports 232.05 162.74 272.60 918.36 1235.07
实际利用外资(万美元) Actual Utilization of Foreign Capital
  (USD 10 000)
168.77 121.10 94.52 240.18 334.28
国际旅游人数(人) International Tourists (person) 392 443 729 1653 2087
居民新增储蓄额(万元) Outstand Amount of Saving Deposits
   (10 000 yuan)
3179 2719 4829 11047 7647
Note: a) Figures in value terms in this table are at current prices, except that total business volume from postal and telecommunication services
              which are at constant prices.
          b) The output of industrial products is the figures of state-owned industrial enterprises and non-state-owned industrial enterprises above
               designated size before 2006.It is the figures of industrial enterprises above designated Size(the same below).