1011  主要农作物播种面积及产量20062007
Sown Areas and Output of Major Farm Crops (2006-2007)
  Item 播种面积(公顷) 总产量(吨) 单位产量(公斤/公顷)
Sown Areas (hectare) Total Output (ton) Yield Per Unit (kg/ha)
2006 2007 2006 2007 2006 2007
粮食 Grain 2499275 2523937 9105000 11480059 3643 4548
谷物  Cereal 1518828 1517378 6728983 8247446 4431 5435
    稻谷   Rice 739184 716003 3812500 4969608 5135 6941
        中稻    Middle Rice 738893 716003 3810670 4969608 5134 6941
    小麦   Wheat 271249 276589 754400 811265 2834 2933
    玉米   Corn 456991 474824 2061000 2354081 4517 4958
    高梁   Sorghum 27442 26487 62864 71134 2291 2686
    其他谷物   Other Cereal 23962 23475 38219 41358 1595 1762
豆类  Bean 234055 242516 353890 415853 1512 1715
#大豆   Soybean 96507 101729 117318 168675 1216 1658
薯类  Tuber 746392 764043 2022127 2816760 2709 3687
#马铃薯   Potato 347409 352792 941297 984691 2709 2791
油料 Oil-bearing Crops 257292 262944 403265 437743 1567 1665
#花生  Peanut 55334 56873 71470 99498 1292 1749
    油菜籽  Rapeseed 183679 190701 322687 326979 1757 1715
    芝麻  Sesame Seed 7092 7233 5031 6557 709 907
麻类 Fiber Crops 10515 11353 11846 15399 1127 1356
#苎麻  Ramie 10269 11089 11617 15063 1131 1358
    黄红麻  Jute and Ambary Hemp 169 180 124 147 734 817
糖料(甘蔗) Sugar Crops (sugarcane) 2791 2892 101574 112633 36393 38946
烟叶 Tobacco 48879 43553 91945 71513 1881 1642
#烤烟  Flue-cured Tobacco 38500 33415 72576 48643 1885 1456
蔬菜、瓜果 Vegetables and Melons 436212 453931 9136619 9729109 20945 21433
    Vegetables (including
       Melons as Vegetables)
417414 432906 8887579 9452086 21292 21834