1012  林牧渔业生产情况20062007
Output of Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery (2006-2007)
           Item 2006 2007
林 业(公顷) Forestry (hectare)
当年造林面积 Current New Forest Areas 22270 97000
年末封山育林面积 Year-end Mountain Seal for Afforestation 257730 232000
零星(四旁)植树(万株) Surrounding Tree Planting (10 000 plants) 7120 7960
育苗面积 Nursery Garden Areas 3850 6000
当年苗木产量(万株) Output of Plants in Current Year (10 000 plants) 39215 47289
幼林抚育实际面积 Actual Nursery Areas 234780 192000
成林抚育面积 Forest Areas 179500 200000
牧 业 Animal Husbandry
年末大牲畜总头数(万头) Year-end Large Animals (10 000 heads) 168.48 169.42
#农事劳役头数     Draught Animals 92.19 95.52
年末生猪存栏头数(万头) Year-end Hogs Raised (10 000 heads) 1608.29 1599.03
年末羊只数(万只) Year-end Sheep and Goats (10 000 heads) 362.75 360.99
年内出栏肥猪头数(万头) Slaughtered Fattened Hogs (10 000 heads) 1978.30 2001.13
年内出栏羊只数(万只) Slaughtered Sheep and Goats (10 000 heads) 346.53 349.52
年内出栏家禽(万只) Slaughtered Poultry (10 000 heads) 14876.41 16643.14
渔 业(公顷) Fishery (hectare)
水产品养殖面积 Cultured Areas of Aquatic Products 71390 76040
#池 塘     Ponds 34020 37260
    水 库     Reservoirs 23450 23700