1013  林牧渔业主要产品产量20062007
Major Product Output of Forestry,Animal Husbandry and Fishery (2006-2007)
单位:吨   (ton)
          Item 2006 2007
水果 Fruit 1457446 1758938
#柑桔     Citrus 426734 512829
肉类 Meat 1768491 1785365
#猪牛羊肉     Pork, Beef and Mutton 1531192 1536419
    #猪肉         Pork 1421485 1424132
    禽肉     Meat of Poultry 210962 217857
    兔肉     Meat of Rabbit 23383 27921
奶类 Milk 83456 86095
#牛奶     Cow Milk 83456 86095
蜂蜜 Honey 6773 8458
水产品 Aquatic Products 226129 255372
#养殖     Cultured Aquatic Products 213944 241816
年末实有茶园面积(公顷) Area of Tea Plantations (year-end) (hectare) 26873 27456
#本年采摘面积     Picked Area in Current Year 20734 21265
年末果园面积(公顷) Area of Orchards (year-end) (hectare) 189325 206181
#梨园     Pear 29038 30758
#柑桔     Citrus 109943 113848