1015  农业商品产值和商品率20062007
Output Value of Agricultural Commodities and
Corresponding Commodity Rate (2006-2007)
  Item 农业商品产值(万元) 农业商品率(%
Output Value of Agricultural
Commodities (10 000 yuan)
Commodity Rate (%)
2006 2007 2006 2007
总 计 Total 3676371 4686880 57.7 58.6
农 业 Farming 1611514 1933925 47.3 45.6
#粮食作物    Grain Crops 459796 587026 29.7 28.4
 经济作物    Cash Crops 172723 182413 67.7 63.8
 蔬 菜    Vegetables 583660 746953 59.1 62.1
 茶、桑、水果    Tea, Mulberry and Fruits 253094 261509 71.0 64.7
林 业 Forestry 162057 151892 72.6 58.7
牧 业 Animal Husbandry 1731146 2401513 72.0 77.1
#猪    Hogs 961069 1407197 65.7 72.5
 活的畜禽产品     Livestocks and Relative Products 239516 310764 70.0 77.5
渔 业 Fishery 171654 199551 78.5 76.8