107  农林牧渔业总产值20062007
Gross Output Value of Farming, Forestry,
Animal Husbandry and Fishery (2006-2007)
单位:万元       (10 000 yuan)
      Item 农林牧渔业总产值    
Gross Output Value Index
2006 2007
总 计 Total 6372401 7996186 109.5
农 业 Farming 3409510 4238428 114.8
  谷物及其他作物     Cereal and Other Crops 1907848 2449972 119.6
 #谷 物         Cereal 1171041 1499089 122.8
  豆 类         Bean 113100 172444 118.9
  油 料         Oil Crops 149486 193921 108.6
  烟 草         Tobacco 86146 67009 77.8
    蔬菜园艺作物     Vegetables and Gardening 1089680 1306874 107.0
 #蔬 菜(含菜用瓜)         Vegetables (including Melons as Vegetables) 988146 1201864 106.5
  花 卉         Flowers 24795 28757 103.6
    水果、坚果、饮料和香料作     Fruits, Nuts, Drinks and Spices 340711 409140 117.7
 #水果、坚果(含果用瓜)         Fruits and Nuts (including Melons as Fruits) 295421 349684 122.0
  茶及其他饮料         Tea and Other Drinks 42201 54245 110.3
  #茶             Tea 42201 54245 110.3
    中药材         Traditional Chinese Medical Materials  71271 72442 101.5
林 业 Forestry 223069 258558 105.1
    林木的培育和种植     Forest Cultivation 35225 87943 232.9
 #造 林         Afforestation 5902 26190 396.2
    竹木采运     Bamboo Felling and Transportation 29826 19925 60.2
    林产品     Forest Products 158018 150690 85.1
牧 业 Animal Husbandry 2403097 3112862 101.6
    牲畜饲养     Livestock Raising 156643 245627 101.7
 #牛         Cattle 71071 149233 105.0
  奶产品         Milk Products 21114 22645 103.2
    猪的饲养     Hog Raising 1462208 1941643 100.2
 #肉 猪         Edible Hogs 1444158 1921081 100.2
    家禽饲养     Poultry Raising 683872 780693 107.3
 #禽 蛋         Poultry Eggs 325602 354365 107.7
    狩猎和捕捉动物     Animal  Hunting 288 312 100.3
    其他畜牧业     Others 100086 144586 106.5
 #蚕 茧         Silkworm Cocoons 35872 43794 106.2
渔 业 Fishery 218639 259915 110.2
#内陆水域水产品     Aquatic Products in Inland Water Areas 218639 259915 110.2
 #养 殖         By Breeding 206951 242291 109.7
 #鱼 类         Fish 214550 242984 109.9
农林牧渔服务业 Agricultural Services 118086 126423 106.0
Note: The absolute figures in this table are calculated at current prices whereas the indices are calculated at comparable prices.