108  农村基本情况20062007
Basic Statistics on Rural Areas (2006-2007)
             Item 2006 2007
户 数(万户) Households(10 000 households) 714.86 717.49
人 口(万人) Population(10 000 persons) 2418.40 2413.95
乡村从业人员(万人) Rural Employment(10 000 persons) 1382.62 1378.29
按性别分 By Sex
      Male 745.74 742.14
      Female 636.88 636.15
按产业分 By Sector
  第一产业     Primary Industry 741.67 699.28
  第二产业     Secondary Industry 276.32 321.28
  第三产业     Tertiary Industry 364.63 357.73
农村基础设施(个) Rural Infrastructure (unit)
自来水受益村数 Number of Villages with Access to Tap Water 5015 4991
通汽车村数 Villages with Highways 9512 8871
通电话村 Villages with Post and Telecommunications Offices 9582 8965
Note: The number of villages is less than that in previous years for the administrative adjustment since 2001.