111  工业企业主要指标19782007
Major Indicators of Industrial Enterprises (1978-2007)
单位:万元 (10 000 yuan)
工业总产值 工业增加值
Industrial Gross Output Value Value-added of Industry
Year Number of
绝对值 指数
绝对值 指数
Value Index
Value Index
1978 8037 951217 643444 100.0
1980 10963 998963 772307 104.6
1985 9924 1251649 1408126 117.2
1986 12454 1473491 1604215 104.1
1987 11556 1511086 1921043 112.4
1988 11303 1552189 2529674 116.1
1989 10976 1587712 2991130 102.4
1990 10763 1610473 2993490 100.7
1991 10780 1652984 3424558 111.8
1992 9693 1662144 4191279 116.3 1149187 100.0
1993 9083 1752822 5847377 118.2 1837033 159.9
1994 9713 1692108 7185418 115.4 2034142 110.7
1995 11474 1724173 7651109 115.2 1935522 95.2
1996 2332 1474400 7304148 1997189
1997 2210 1428600 7947952 114.4 2139029 107.1
1998 2000 1164200 7667894 100.7 2097535 98.1
1999 1975 1004400 8585525 118.9 2407000 114.8
2000 2040 907900 9623226 113.6 2875000 119.4
2001 2054 841900 10728325 115.5 3329900 115.8
2002 2072 820103 12283741 119.8 3974400 119.4
2003 2243 843341 15889928 126.7 4778500 120.2
2004 2634 900546 21427261 129.9 5956894 125.3
2005 2946 924204 25258684 118.6 7163600 117.1
2006 3214 968440 32142340 127.4 8453802 120.6
2007 3942 1082675 43632489 133.6 12340576 125.1
Note: a) In this table, the data on industry refer to total industrial enterprises with independent accounting system  from 1978 to 1995,whereas refer to state-owned industrial enterprises and non-state-owned industrial enterprises over designated size from 1996 to 2006 whose annual sales  revenue is over 5 million yuan,and refer to industrial enterprises over designated size in 2007 whose annual sales revenue is over 5 million yuan(the same below).
          b) Gross output value of industry and value-added of industry are calculated at current prices. As industry statistic system has been changed, index of industrial gross output value was at comparable prices before 2003, which has been calculated at current prices since 2004. Index of value-added of industry was at current prices before 2003, which has been calculated at comparable prices since 2004.