11-12  续表  CONTINUED
      Products 2006 2007
铝(吨) Aluminum (ton) 107643 121574
硫 酸(吨) Sulphuric Acid (ton) 1904353 2237818
盐 酸(吨) Hydrochloric Acid (ton) 38078 52624
烧 碱(吨) Caustic Soda (ton) 74149 100766
电 石(折合量)(吨) Calcium Carbide (equivalent) (ton) 13599 12618
精甲醇(商品量)(吨) Fine Methyl Alcohol (commodities) (ton) 294426 395933
染 料(吨) Dyestuff (ton) 5995 5903
油 漆(吨) Paint (ton) 47274 56847
塑料制品(吨) Plastics (ton) 161426 226805
合成橡胶(吨) Synthetic Rubber (ton) 28166 30492
化学原料药(吨) Chemical Raw Material (ton) 4656 7681
中成药(吨) Traditional Chinese Medicine (ton) 27551 30012
轮胎外胎(万条) Tire (10 000 units) 561.61 743.26
水 泥(万吨) Cement (10 000 tons) 2533.84 2819.92
人造板(立方米) Artificial Boards (cu.m) 83822.00 93350.80
矿山设备(吨) Mining Equipment (ton) 39448 50206
起重设备(吨) Hoist and Derrick (ton) 21159 29819
制冷空调设备(套) Freezing equipment (set) 131081 279933
发电设备(千瓦) Generating Equipment (kw) 739271.00 957595.00
交流电动机(万千瓦)  Alternating Current Motors(10 000 kw) 321.94 386.57
电力变压器(万千伏安) Electric Transformer Products (10 000 kva) 4492.97 4850.38
金属切削机床(台) Metal-cutting Machines (unit) 6070 7281
汽 车(辆) Motor Vehicles (vehicle) 519855 707991
内燃机(商品量)(万千瓦) Internal Combustion Engines  (commodities) (10 000 kw) 991.20 1276.90
钢芯铝绞线(吨) Aluminum Twist Wire with Steel Core (ton) 48561 38279
泵(台) Industry Pumps (unit) 94443 168136
风 机(台) Air Pumps (unit) 4238 6197
气体压缩机(台) Gas Compressors (unit) 409 498
轴 承(万套) Bearings (10 000 sets) 6688.00 7981.34
工业锅炉(蒸吨) Industry Boilers (ton) 795.00 714.32
民用钢质船舶(载重吨) Civil Steel Ships (ton) 92268 119165
合成氨(吨) Synthetic Ammonia (ton) 893720 968259
化肥(100%)(吨) Chemical Fertilizer (100%) (ton) 1270663 1541993
#氮 肥     Nitrogen Fertilizer 695635 821816
 磷 肥     Phosphate Fertilizer 575028 720177
配混合饲料(吨) Mingled Forage (ton) 945045 1268153
农 药(吨) Chemical Pesticides (ton) 4870 23267