11-6  续表1 11-6  CONTINUED-1
单位:万元                 (10 000 yuan)
              Item       流动资产年
固定资产 固定资产净值
  Fixed Assets    
Total Assets #流动资产 Annual Average
Balance of Value
of Circulating Fund
原  值 净  值 Annual Average
Balance of Net Value
of Fixed Assets
Circulating Funds Original Net Total Circulating
总  计 Total 44127661 19971956 18541937 24067348 16421036 15404842 26347924 19800017
#国有控股企业      State Holding 26674591 10948829 10315808 16663066 11059854 10286054 15801505 11316607
按登记注册类型分 By Registration
内资企业 Domestic-funded Enterprises 35851899 15970920 15018688 18923165 13031338 12415507 21362731 15753736
#国有企业  State-owned 3460144 1517433 1382825 2190049 1237097 1246185 1904165 1277693
 集体企业  Collective-owned 383310 215525 199759 194782 136749 79909 242537 229675
港澳台投资企业 Funded by Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan 1252901 623647 533625 612438 436795 410922 779246 610270
外商投资企业 Foreign-funded 7022861 3377388 2989624 4531745 2952903 2578413 4205947 3436011
按轻、重工业分 By Light and Heavy Industry
轻工业 Light Industry 10899593 5759513 5504687 4473028 2936042 2836310 6807664 5598898
重工业 Heavy Industry 33228068 14212443 13037250 19594320 13484994 12568532 19540260 14201119
按企业规模分 By Size of Enterprise
大型企业 Large 15358727 7396908 7029569 7699377 5059466 4589496 8895408 6971196
中型企业 Medium 18753205 8033697 7319894 10794950 7316343 6898214 11470553 8355454
小型企业 Small 10015729 4541351 4192474 5573021 4045227 3917132 5981963 4473367
按行业分 By Sector
  煤炭开采和洗选业  Coal Mining and Dressing  1287813 439992 377477 760866 457715 436747 728403 425131
  石油和天然气开采业  Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 48615 18108 13791 28692 13119 15166 18419 18202
  黑色金属矿采选业  Ferrous Metals Mining and Dressing 163178 86634 72534 63787 40283 39189 85176 81762
  有色金属矿采选业  Nonferrous Metals Mining and Dressing 4197 2956 2359 1377 755 872 1933 1933
  非金属矿采选业  Nonmetal Minerals Mining and Dressing 203136 50526 49174 114526 99075 96750 133318 95745
  其他采矿业     Other Minerals Mining
    农副食品加工业     Farm Products and By-food Processing 646936 347072 334869 264750 198263 196145 398181 334258
    食品制造业  Food Production 288436 138218 128049 164903 96743 94351 169668 135149
    饮料制造业  Beverage Production 538558 227020 202446 343812 202475 201208 316904 281915
    烟草制品业  Tobacco Products 554841 352194 384055 291536 151469 158001 267484 220666
    纺织业     Textile Industry  494054 234741 250686 215940 138714 141714 286625 197732
    纺织服装、鞋、帽制造业     Garments, Shoes and Hats Production 102991 42341 36704 49771 43361 41752 44121 37010
    皮革、毛皮、羽毛(绒)及其制品业     Leather, Furs, Down and Related Products 82347 47669 42289 28863 19136 18218 41974 36635
    木材加工及木竹藤棕草制品业     Timber Processing, Bamboo, Cane, Palm, Straw Products 30172 15919 13522 14848 10123 9514 13853 11071
    家具制造业     Furniture Manufacturing 122949 92823 96155 35853 25597 23438 75148 73482
    造纸及纸制品业     Papermaking and Paper Products 208536 106086 98270 98426 77114 60571 122816 104951
    印刷业、记录媒介的复制     Printing and Record Medium Reproduction 326677 168070 159192 129720 81449 83933 213784 180258
    文教体育用品制造业  Cultural Educational and Sports Goods 817 422 497 842 326 337 297 297
    石油加工、炼焦及核燃料加工业  Petroleum, Coking and Nuclear Fuel Processing 166223 73237 69165 94597 62433 60344 67665 51053
    化学原料及化学制品制造业  Raw Chemical Materials and Chemical Products 3086338 1354460 1202665 1929711 1152151 1148721 1531242 968262
    医药制造业  Medical and Pharmaceutical Products 1796410 792656 735764 576724 426881 429797 1032485 881124
    化学纤维制造业  Chemical Fiber 12113 6626 4785 5344 4654 4680 3278 3168
    橡胶制品业  Rubber Products  224415 113966 100690 99013 73148 71219 151841 133835
    塑料制品业  Plastic Products 313379 135744 125581 197084 148144 144310 147793 130307
    非金属矿物制品业  Nonmetal Mineral Products 2763578 1009447 960491 1744009 1241376 1156772 1634354 1206102
    黑色金属冶炼及压延加工业  Smelting and Pressing of Ferrous Metals 1603133 861409 717182 1033505 665466 636532 888062 727553
    有色金属冶炼及压延加工业  Smelting and Pressing of Nonferrous Metals 1742834 804236 798659 1072790 678667 704520 1029070 788986
    金属制品业  Metal Products 549980 360232 306509 197837 136941 136536 324589 286116
    通用设备制造业     Ordinary Equipment 1756736 1127508 1026062 630596 362360 342600 1047050 887843
    专用设备制造业  Special Equipment  1878639 970718 973286 869575 766823 685274 1297824 1062069
    交通运输设备制造业  Transportation Equipment 12273586 6975771 6398193 4534597 3118473 2718138 7472714 6554782
    电气机械及器材制造业     Electric Equipment and Machinery 1423008 981882 934810 384132 282322 231344 934582 855953
    通信设备、计算机及其他电子设备制造业     Communication, Computers and Other Electronic Equipment 610648 342653 305788 136107 81870 75781 462198 429508
    仪器仪表及文化、办公用机械制造业  Instruments, Meters, Cultural and Office Machinery 563276 367019 360423 206615 120457 122281 361107 333679
    工艺品及其他制造业     Handicraft and Other Production 60765 32454 30523 23776 14846 14930 26953 21553
    废弃资源和废旧材料回收加工业     Recovery and Processing of Waste Resources and Materials 16588 13264 11807 3919 2760 2575 9713 9708
    电力、热力的生产和供应业     Electricpower and Hot Power Production and Supply 7020875 992838 966328 6913539 4873666 4534681 4447868 1978062
    燃气生产和供应业  Gas Production and Supply 527475 156020 135241 318808 192365 222987 206163 149369
    水的生产和供应业     Water Production and Supply 633409 129026 115916 486558 359516 342914 353269 104788