11-8  续表1 11-8  CONTINUED-1
单位: 万元                 (10 000 yuan)
              Item       流动资产年
固定资产 固定资产净值
  Fixed Assets    
Total Assets #流动资产 Annual Average
Balance of Value
of Circulating Fund
原  值 净  值 Annual Average
Balance of Net Value
of Fixed Assets
Circulating Funds Original Net Total Circulating
总  计 Total 26674591 10948829 10315808 16663066 11059854 10286054 15801505 11316607
按轻、重工业分 By Light and Heavy Industry
轻工业 Light Industry 3938366 1953371 1985255 1946368 1104271 1093973 2399839 1933462
重工业 Heavy Industry 22736225 8995458 8330553 14716698 9955583 9192081 13401666 9383145
按企业规模分 By Size of Enterprise
大型企业 Large 13447881 6442026 6117721 7127675 4640911 4182953 7656690 6116334
中型企业 Medium 10520568 3818629 3530045 7368610 4839326 4561212 6510559 4233424
小型企业 Small 2706142 688174 668042 2166781 1579617 1541889 1634256 966849
按行业分 By Sector
  煤炭开采和洗选业  Coal Mining and Dressing  943595 299925 249851 593129 335341 317986 542928 272454
  石油和天然气开采业  Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 48615 18108 13791 28692 13119 15166 18419 18202
  黑色金属矿采选业  Ferrous Metals Mining and Dressing 126504 65713 55107 57675 36245 35239 69763 67872
  有色金属矿采选业  Nonferrous Metals Mining and Dressing
  非金属矿采选业  Nonmetal Minerals Mining and Dressing 5614 4453 4628 3618 778 863 2389 2389
  其他采矿业     Other Minerals Mining
    农副食品加工业     Farm Products and By-food Processing 105799 40115 44084 64693 45545 47021 84286 64765
    食品制造业  Food Production 108784 59090 54964 48298 26214 26628 72032 51259
    饮料制造业  Beverage Production 320508 152373 134363 189039 96919 95770 183370 170495
    烟草制品业  Tobacco Products 554841 352194 384055 291536 151469 158001 267484 220666
    纺织业     Textile Industry  99461 58291 56551 68440 32603 34634 73017 48443
    纺织服装、鞋、帽制造业     Garments, Shoes and Hats Production
    皮革、毛皮、羽毛(绒)及其制品业     Leather, Furs, Down and Related Products
    木材加工及木竹藤棕草制品业     Timber Processing, Bamboo, Cane, Palm, Straw Products 6956 2525 2704 5045 3177 3306 3708 2996
    家具制造业     Furniture Manufacturing
    造纸及纸制品业     Papermaking and Paper Products 36050 12413 10326 23424 20854 5899 19471 19471
    印刷业、记录媒介的复制     Printing and Record Medium Reproduction 45681 19339 17111 29660 14951 14419 31244 19793
    文教体育用品制造业  Cultural Educational and Sports Goods
    石油加工、炼焦及核燃料加工业  Petroleum, Coking and Nuclear Fuel Processing 83360 39191 33618 59162 36855 35938 46016 32459
    化学原料及化学制品制造业  Raw Chemical Materials and Chemical Products 1891728 866735 757070 1183487 617183 646490 1001122 616894
    医药制造业  Medical and Pharmaceutical Products 912276 351702 369720 285986 205084 212431 556639 483245
    化学纤维制造业  Chemical Fiber
    橡胶制品业  Rubber Products  29245 18588 15500 12754 9154 8327 18707 17433
    塑料制品业  Plastic Products 36307 12231 13581 26669 20131 15006 24072 22272
    非金属矿物制品业  Nonmetal Mineral Products 654443 144949 149307 500683 400677 336404 345834 182418
    黑色金属冶炼及压延加工业  Smelting and Pressing of Ferrous Metals 1288691 672415 575885 898770 560981 534741 697641 570912
    有色金属冶炼及压延加工业  Smelting and Pressing of Nonferrous Metals 764327 337901 366671 656555 350414 381523 448089 349735
    金属制品业  Metal Products 58560 46581 39286 19821 11354 11060 40719 35810
    通用设备制造业     Ordinary Equipment 1095479 738629 668641 381914 201241 191793 679001 551184
    专用设备制造业  Special Equipment  1696459 855241 870232 806410 719954 638958 1185317 963302
    交通运输设备制造业  Transportation Equipment 6829379 3755863 3479869 2911345 1963336 1622006 3791724 3444367
    电气机械及器材制造业     Electric Equipment and Machinery 636441 487130 509128 116070 67358 90968 463876 441697
    通信设备、计算机及其他电子设备制造业     Communication, Computers and Other Electronic Equipment 399979 171266 125974 94257 53081 46050 319182 292901
    仪器仪表及文化、办公用机械制造业  Instruments, Meters, Cultural and Office Machinery 389352 260311 259092 163254 93241 95057 264510 240623
    工艺品及其他制造业     Handicraft and Other Production 941 702 661 192 172 158 749 749
    废弃资源和废旧材料回收加工业     Recovery and Processing of Waste Resources and Materials
    电力、热力的生产和供应业     Electricpower and Hot Power Production and Supply 6545117 853765 835896 6500964 4556990 4224672 4107640 1914323
    燃气生产和供应业  Gas Production and Supply 458728 130703 113424 270920 157112 191314 173170 125933
    水的生产和供应业     Water Production and Supply 501373 120392 104722 370608 258321 248227 269390 71546