121  建筑业基本情况19852007
Basic Statistics on Construction (1985-2007)
Year Number of
Number of Employment
(10 000 persons)
Gross Output Value
of Construction
(10 000 yuan)
of Construction
(10 000 yuan)
Floor Space under
(10 000 sq.m)
Floor Space
(10 000 sq.m)
1985 298 14.12 96201 20517 684.85 340.18
1986 291 17.12 112719 26225 674.54 345.37
1987 303 18.08 138515 35738 740.55 350.79
1988 399 20.71 183070 39989 866.76 372.69
1989 400 20.60 196510 50763 853.54 391.35
1990 445 20.89 220685 69913 905.58 450.19
1991 465 21.50 262155 84556 915.31 458.23
1992 482 23.58 340256 109961 1015.59 490.88
1993 607 22.47 426228 124993 1238.22 537.78
1994 561 26.61 656959 203632 1456.78 577.22
1995 556 28.24 810548 261437 1678.02 656.38
1996 1473 64.43 2052964 564293 4065.24 2276.97
1997 1501 68.98 2440552 688463 4451.06 2562.73
1998 1655 80.46 2896198 783225 5275.68 2837.02
1999 1735 75.49 3175927 871003 5481.86 2974.82
2000 1785 73.37 3486579 945158 6088.49 3083.72
2001 1721 83.99 4368064 1208296 7962.27 4341.38
2002 1778 82.05 5015839 1353087 8707.39 4711.06
2003 1760 81.80 5862095 1287202 9754.10 4939.62
2004 2442 86.91 6902774 1519837 10184.46 5167.65
2005 2310 83.10 7835658 1716125 10722.57 5155.18
2006 2455 86.72 8950918 1945849 11522.42 5309.27
2007 2486 96.97 11287118 2338877 13866.76 5750.65
Note: a)  The system of one suit of tables was implemented in 1993, affiliated construction enterprises increased. The statistics before 1996 included
               whole people-owned, collective-owned construction and installation enterprises. Statistics from 1996 to 2001 included construction and
               installation enterprises of grade 4 and above (the same below).
          b) New grade system has been carried out in construction since 2002. Data floor space under construction and completed in 2002, and all data
               since 2003 exclude construction enterprises of work subcontractors (the same below).
          c) Value-added of construction is calculated in terms of profits of project settled accounts before 2003, whereas in terms of business profits
               since 2003 (the same below).