122  建筑业企业房屋施工及竣工面积20062007
Floor Space of Buildings under Construction and
Completed by Construction Enterprises (2006-2007)
                Item 2006 2007
房屋建筑施工面积(万平方米) Floor Space of Buildings under Construction (10 000 sq.m) 11522.42 13866.76
#本年新开工面积  New Floor Space of Buildings in Current Year 6536.75 7882.52
#实行投标承包面积  Contracted Bidding Floor Space 8210.80 9811.24
 #本年新开工   New Floor Space of Buildings in Current Year 4980.15 5984.14
房屋建筑竣工面积(万平方米) Floor Space of Buildings Completed (10 000 sq.m) 5309.27 5750.65
厂房、仓库 Works and Warehouses 415.16 507.65
住 宅 Residential Buildings 3821.96 4213.46
办公用房 Office Buildings 326.27 272.02
批发和零售用房 Wholesale and Retail Trade Buildings 137.55 132.07
住宿和餐饮用房 Hotels and Restaurants 75.34 53.85
居民服务业用房 Residential Service Buildings 76.67 70.92
教育用房 Educational Buildings 242.31 275.39
文化、体育和娱乐用房 Cultural, Sports and Entertainment Buildings 26.01 21.80
卫生医疗用房 Health Care and Medical Buildings 25.28 62.11
科研用房 Scientific and Research Buildings 7.17 8.81
其他用房 Other Buildings 155.54 132.59