124  建筑施工企业主要经济指标20062007
Main Economic Indicators of Construction Enterprises (2006-2007)
       Type 2006 2007
企业数(个) Number of Enterprises (unit) 2455 2486
#国有及国有控股     State-owned and State-holding 188 188
年末从业人数(万人) Number of Employment (10 000 persons) 86.72 96.97
#国有及国有控股     State-owned and State-holding 11.22 14.57
建筑业总产值(万元) Output Value of Construction (10 000 yuan) 8950918 11287118
按登记注册类型分 By Registration
  内资企业     Domestic-Funded Enterprises 8926836 11255347
  #国 有         State-owned 1090693 1304043
    集 体         Collective-owned 396741 482150
  港澳台商投资企业     Enterprises Funded by Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan 20705 20274
  外商投资企业     Foreign-funded Enterprises 3377 11497
按构成分 By Constitution
#建筑工程  Construction 7833209 9949066
    安装工程  Installation 654064 868565
按行业分 By Sector
#房屋和土木工程建筑业     Construction of Buildings and Civil Engineering 7982689 9850527
  #房屋工程建筑业         Buildings 6676882 7965673
  建筑安装业     Construction Installation 495798 959289
  建筑装饰业     Construction Decoration 235828 256074
按资质等级分 By Grade
  施工总承包     General Contractors of Construction 7928069 10159239
  #一 级         Class I 3353588 4656736
    二 级         Class II 3091887 3548279
  专业承包     Professional Contractors of Construction 1022849 1127879
  #一 级         Class I 235189 312851
    二 级         Class II 407920 375626
竣工产值(万元) Output Value of Completed Construction (10 000 yuan) 5851827 7179540
按登记注册类型分 By Registration
  内资企业     Domestic-Funded Enterprises 5849640 7166016
  #国 有         State-owned 709737 665166
    集 体         Collective-owned 291005 340230
  港澳台商投资企业     Enterprises Funded by Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan 1190 11141
  外商投资企业     Foreign-funded Enterprises 997 2383
按行业分 By Sector
#房屋和土木工程建筑业     Construction of Buildings and Civil Engineering 5335754 6391204
  #房屋工程建筑业         Buildings 4657063 5601623
  建筑安装业     Construction Installation 299777 562833
  建筑装饰业     Construction Decoration 123366 176689
按资质等级分 By Grade
  施工总承包     General Contractors of Construction 5269811 6461417
  #一 级         Class I 1887553 2675927
    二 级         Class II 2258994 2326131
  专业承包     Professional Contractors of Construction 582014 718123
  #一 级         Class I 86320 180175
    二 级         Class II 266264 249295
房屋建筑施工面积(万平方米) Floor Space of Building under Construction (10 000 sq.m) 11522.42 13866.76
房屋建筑竣工面积(万平方米) Floor Space of Building Completed (10 000 sq.m) 5309.27 5750.65
年末自有机械设备台数(万台) Number of Machines Self-owned (year-end)(10 000 units) 16.24 15.99
年末自有机械设备总功率(万千瓦) Power of Machines Self-owned (year-end)(10 000 kw) 262.19 262.11