125  建筑施工企业主要财务和经济效益指标2007 Financial Indicators and Economic Efficiency
Indicators of Construction Enterprises (2007)
单位:万元                   (10 000 yuan)
       Item 合 计                
内资企业           港澳台投资企业 外商投资企业
#国有经济 #集体经济 #联营企业 #股份合作企业 #私营企业 Enterprises Funded
by Hong Kong,
Macao and Taiwan
Total State- owned
Share Holding
施工企业个数(个) Construction Enterprises (unit) 2486 2474 123 173 6 31 1222 8 4
年平均从业人数(万人) Annual Persons Engaged (10 000 persons) 99.45 99.21 8.26 6.07 0.06 0.46 38.44 0.15 0.09
自有固定资产原价 Original Value of Fixed Assets Owned 1908708 1895932 227255 117415 8998 9821 693878 683 12093
自有固定资产净价 Net Value of Fixed Assets Owned  1333652 1324571 150075 75380 7968 7317 516602 407 8674
自有机械设备年末台数(万台) Number of Machinery and Equipment Self-owned (10 000 sets) 15.99 15.82 1.14 1.05 0.04 0.06 6.65 0.08 0.09
自有机械设备年末净值 Net Value of Machinery and Equipment Self-owned 719312 718185 88595 41116 2233 2576 278330 226 902
自有机械设备年末总功率(万千瓦 Total Power of Machinery and Equipment Self-owned (10 000kw) 262.11 261.17 31.29 15.03 0.58 0.46 95.80 0.14 0.80
总产值 Gross Output Value  11287118 11255347 1304043 482150 7978 61788 3654388 20274 11497
增加值 Value-added  2338877 2334494 185058 93003 1398 10576 848484 2778 1605
实收资本 Total Capital  3223246 3206113 294191 133745 11637 17180 1333174 5552 11581
资产合计 Total Assets 9613477 9577121 1189809 328890 16650 38263 2908115 19273 17083
#流动资产     Circulating Funds  7036807 7010784 928972 225231 6620 23341 2095751 17661 8362
  固定资产     Fixed Assets 1768217 1759087 168675 94226 9468 9978 653893 410 8721
    无形及递延资产     Intangible and Deferred Assets 213983 212821 28143 2726 559 101 36588 1163
负债合计 Total Liabilities 5531835 5511541 868763 165312 5174 15900 1323751 14700 5594
  流动负债     Circulating Liabilities 5054412 5034118 806203 156772 2641 15275 1193620 14700 5594
  长期负债     Long-term Liabilities 477423 477423 62560 8540 2533 624 130132
所有者权益 Creditors' Equity 4081642 4065580 321046 163579 11476 22364 1584363 4573 11489
利税总额 Total Pre-tax Profits 759758 758752 55719 20349 437 3317 125339 731 26550
#利润总额     Total Profits 385551 385504 17271 6343 117 1906 872 -93 24731
企业总收入 Total Income of Enterprises 1214354 1211362 1151617 444226 88406 37964 3565956 23768 29210
工程结算收入 Revenue of Project Settled Accounts 1077157 1074363 1144477 426584 5384 37917 3524513 23511 4428
其他业务收入 Other Revenue from Business 137197 137000 7140 17642 83023 47 41443 257 24782
施工面积(万平方米) Floor Space of Buildings Under Construction (10 000 sq.m) 13866.76 13863.47 960.73 643.50 22.58 40.13 5196.20 3.29
竣工面积(万平方米) Floor Space of Buildings Completed  (10 000 sq.m) 5750.65 5750.65 332.18 261.51 4.70 9.15 2442.19
全员劳动生产率: Overall  Labor Productivity
    按总产值计算(元/人)     In Terms of Gross Output Value (yuan/person) 120612 120580 163132 94701 125443 138662 100340 138010 125517
    按增加值计算(元/人)     In Terms of Value-added (yuan/person) 25028 25045 22806 18323 21973 24211 23398 18948 17478
技术装备率(元/人) Value of Machines Per Laborer (yuan/person) 7411 7414 11558 7464 30460 5604 7203 2210 10682
动力装备率(千瓦/人) Power of Machines Per Laborer (kw/person) 3 3 4 3 8 1 3 1 10
房屋建筑面积竣工率(% Rate of Floor Space of Buildings Completed (%) 41.5 41.5 34.6 40.6 20.8 22.8 47.0
资产负债率(% Ratio of Liabilities to Assets (%) 57.7 57.7 73.0 50.3 31.1 41.6 45.6 76.3 32.7