1311  电信主要通信能力20062007
Main Communication Capacity of
Telecommunication Services (2006-2007)
       Item 2006 2007
长话业务电路(2M Number of Long Distance Telephone Lines (2M) 4203 4586
本地交换机容量(万门) Capacity of Local Telephone Exchanges (10 000 gates) 1126 1166
移动用户交换机容量(万户) Capacity of Mobile Telephone Exchanges (10 000 subscribers) 1238 1844
移动电话基站数(个) Number of Base Stations of Mobile Telephones (unit) 11801 13491
移动电话信道数(万个) Number of Signal Channels of Mobile Telephones (10 000 lines) 47 58
短信息中心容量(万条) Capacity of Short Messages  (10 000 times) 1836 3456
长途光缆线路长度(公里) Length of Long Distance Optical Cable Lines (km) 7210 9316