132  主要年份港口吞吐量和公路线路里程
Freight Handled at Ports and Length
of Highways in Major Years
Year Freight Handled                 at Ports
(10 000 tons)
Handled in Handled out                                          Length of Highways (km) Highway
1952 61.80 26.60 35.20 743
1957 356.10 73.10 283.00 1021
1962 173.50 93.40 80.10 6044
1965 217.10 115.70 101.40 7221
1970 267.00 161.00 106.00 7538
1975 228.90 108.90 120.00 9753
1978 369.80 184.10 185.70 15421
1980 378.20 194.10 184.10 16811
1985 438.30 195.40 242.90 19377
1986 532.70 303.40 229.30 19666
1987 553.70 292.28 261.42 19942
1988 570.30 296.14 274.16 20609
1989 651.93 330.74 321.19 20944
1990 572.50 275.70 296.80 21162
1991 566.10 262.77 303.33 21474
1992 664.90 326.80 338.10 21804
1993 687.70 299.50 388.20 21990
1994 665.65 289.26 376.39 22148
1995 853.00 390.00 463.00 22556
1996 1076.00 492.00 584.00 26892 114
1997 2548.70 977.20 1571.50 27045 114
1998 2477.30 1186.60 1290.70 27210 134
1999 2599.84 1610.44 989.40 28086 134
2000 2448.00 1485.00 963.00 30354 232
2001 2839.87 1690.39 1149.48 30654 320
2002 3004.00 1718.41 1285.59 31060 399
2003 3243.76 1796.24 1447.52 31407 580
2004 4539.00 2337.09 2201.91 32344 714
2005 5251.30 2758.11 2493.19 98218 748
2006 5420.43 2747.65 2672.78 100299 778
2007 6433.54 3330.46 3103.08 104705 1049
Note: Length of Highways has included village roads since 2006, and data of 2005 has been adjusted according to the same range.