139  主要港口码头仓库20062007
Warehouses at Major Ports (2006-2007)
             Item 2006 2007
年末职工人数(人) Year-end Staff and Workers (person) 7518 9440
仓库总面积(平方米) Total Area of Warehouses (sq.m) 61978 64787
堆场总面积(平方米) Total Area of Stacking Yard (sq.m) 515779 503011
集装箱吞吐量(吨) Containers Handled at Ports (ton) 2581330 4726393
    国际集装箱     International Containers 1429265 2340646
    国内集装箱     Domestic Containers 1152065 2385747
集装箱吞吐量(TEU Containers Handled at Ports (TEU) 300308 408342
    国际集装箱     International Containers 202451 241966
    国内集装箱     Domestic Containers 79857 166376
Note: TEU is the abbreviation of " Twenty-foot Equivalent Unit".