141  主要年份社会消费品零售总额
Total Retail Sales of Consumer Goods in Major Years
单位:万元           (10 000 yuan)
国有经济 集体经济 个体及私营经济 外资及港澳台经济  
Year Total
Retail Sales
State-owned Collective
and Private
Funded by
Hong Kong,Macao,
Taiwan & Foreign Entrepreneurs 
1952 61973 19332 9941 32009 691
1957 108061 55533 43171 4458 4899
1962 124248 87477 27335 6987 2449
1965 134722 94009 35935 2318 2460
1970 163612 118044 40460 2120 2988
1975 217537 148811 53318 11876 3532
1978 250188 126981 112537 6599 4071
1980 366349 178516 162400 17649 7784
1985 690779 256981 261103 155266 17429
1986 780787 290656 260816 207041 22274
1987 926227 343448 302177 253031 27571
1988 1191747 430347 372593 350032 38775
1989 1332450 445314 380342 344338 162456
1990 1371244 464257 370361 352587 184039
1991 1569138 524150 448634 359098 237256
1992 2031140 661857 554059 494300 320924
1993 2573768 933913 704291 492283 2372 440909
1994 3343325 1079062 664616 880747 3166 715734
1995 4161295 1004126 752266 1223620 23727 1157556
1996 4986299 1106800 792017 1550975 25224 1511283
1997 5681890 1137394 853410 1529836 34914 2126336
1998 6193991 1029384 710562 2103320 82477 2268248
1999 6670104 1129936 643832 2562478 115128 2218730
2000 7199508 1075849 675284 2855855 163455 2429065
2001 7823114 1190283 634269 3243281 205648 2549633
2002 8535962 1166478 544491 3717999 208733 2898261
2003 9346711 1117167 406950 4449249 221716 3151629
2004 10683290 864210 201479 7404246 210630 2002725
2005 12157584 1052229 208145 8161399 263718 2472093
2006 14035809 1707749 230770 9359375 339175 2398740
2007 16612275 1404316 246774 11059271 508637 3393277