143  星级住宿业和限额以上餐饮业基本经营情况20062007
Operation of Star-rated Hotels and
Catering Trade above Designated Size (2006-2007)
单位:万元   (10 000 yuan)
            Item 2006 2007
营业收入 Business Revenue 516487 652401
  客房收入     Income from Guest Rooms 124740 148843
  餐费收入     Catering Income 337256 440842
  商品销售收入     Commodity Sales Revenue 23937 27669
  其他收入     Other Income 30555 35047
住宿餐饮设施 Infrastructure of Hotels and Catering Trade
  床位数(个)     Resting Beds (unit) 51957 55788
  餐位数(位)     Catering Seats (unit) 283103 288242