147  限额以上批发业企业财务状况2007 Financial Indicators of Wholesale
Enterprises above Designated Size (2007)
单位:万元                       (10 000 yuan)
指      Item 企业数(个) 流动资产合计 固定资产原价 累计折旧 资产总计 负债合计 实收资本 主营业务收入 主营业务成本 主营业务
Number of
Original Value
of Fixed Assets
Revenue of Major Business Cost of Major Business Tax and Extra of Major Business Profits of
Major Business
总  计 Total 475 3265262 871116 247993 4339545 3178899 595422 11298749 10339521 22054 752611
#国有及国有控股     State-owned and State Holding 108 1875470 726474 208074 2712361 1828613 411480 6155655 5483267 11902 573239
按登记注册类型分组 By Registration
内资企业 Domestic-funded Enterprises 470 3252976 869475 247304 4324680 3165271 593277 11272303 10317525 21781 750277
 国有企业     State-owned Enterprises 49 741168 267348 88228 1003717 597135 111537 2219742 1845098 7252 292308
 集体企业     Collective-owned Enterprises 17 100730 10107 3916 113834 99585 6515 273078 266196 151 6188
 股份合作企业     Cooperative Share Holding Enterprises 7 43483 1660 790 44802 36910 5258 231625 221661 175 7661
 联营企业     Joint-owned Enterprises 3 2557 495 38 3133 2668 680 14598 13859 11 728
    国有联营企业         State Joint-owned 1 443 39 16 471 51 500 4839 4528 3 308
    国有与集体联营企业         Joint State-collective Enterprises 1 1327 440 14 1868 1838 80 1837 1776 7 54
    其他联营企业         Other Joint-owned Enterprises 1 787 16 9 794 779 100 7922 7555 2 366
 有限责任公司     Limited-liability Corporations 192 949958 258430 64571 1316665 1005580 191453 3187165 2947334 8358 183299
  国有独资公司         State Sole Funded  12 258842 166015 42707 478651 315033 77742 637068 553683 1215 82127
  其他有限责任公司        Other Limited-liability Corporations 180 691115 92415 21864 838015 690548 113710 2550097 2393652 7143 101172
 股份有限公司     Share Holding Limited Companies 27 614801 281275 74427 952122 661376 198892 2495018 2310251 3324 168918
 私营企业     Private Enterprises 172 794131 49828 15199 884060 756304 78463 2829146 2692281 2496 90481
  私营独资企业         Private-funded Enterprises 8 25987 2333 790 27966 26287 2229 148689 141256 91 7273
  私营合伙企业         Private Partnership Enterprises 3 8360 229 127 8504 7576 950 21828 19325 18 1444
  私营有限责任公司         Private Limited Liability Corporations 144 736271 43529 13399 813324 699624 68767 2555649 2435619 2299 78988
  私营股份有限公司         Private Share Holding Limited Companies 17 23514 3736 883 34266 22818 6517 102981 96081 89 2776
 其他企业     Other Enterprises 3 6149 332 135 6347 5712 480 21930 20846 15 692
港澳台商投资企业 Enterprises Funded by Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan 3 8213 664 326 8555 6187 1508 18420 16623 1797
 合资经营企业     Joint-venture Enterprises 1 719 445 184 981 630 280 2880 2737 143
  独资经营企业     Enterprises with Sole Funded from Hong Kong,
      Macao and Taiwan 
2 7494 219 142 7574 5556 1228 15540 13885 1655
外商投资企业 Foreign-funded Enterprises 2 4073 977 363 6311 7441 638 8027 5373 273 537
 中外合资经营企业     Joint-venture Enterprises 1 103 812 252 1991 1882 223 1899 1480 273 146
 中外合作经营企业     Cooperative Enterprises 1 3970 165 111 4320 5559 415 6128 3893 391
 外资企业     Enterprises with Sole Foreign Funds
 外商投资股份有限公司     Share Holding Limited Companies with foreign Funds
按批发行业小类分组 By Wholesale Sector
农畜产品批发 Wholesale of Agricultural and Animal Products 13 25853 34068 6575 58940 58708 14130 76203 72869 46 3087
 谷物、豆及薯类批发     Wholesale of Cereal, Bean and Tuber 6 20909 29674 5057 50989 53054 10501 53771 52336 5 1258
 种子、饲料批发     Wholesale of Seed and Feed 2 917 1064 422 1559 526 634 4467 4151 3 283
 棉、麻批发     Wholesale of Cotton and Fiber Crops 3 3006 1528 281 4380 1038 1662 13026 11726 37 1262
 其他农畜产品批发     Other Wholesale of Agricultural and Animal Products 2 1021 1802 815 2012 4090 1332 4939 4655 1 283
食品、饮料及烟草制品批发 Wholesale of Food, Beverages & Tobacco Products 39 510590 239422 83691 736070 317853 89775 1588945 1253432 5846 292767
 米、面制品及食用油批发     Wholesale of Rice, Noodle Products and Edible Oil 14 75839 42154 15036 125893 102287 20850 318572 294806 181 11732
 糕点、糖果及糖批发     Wholesale of Cake,  Candy and  Sugar  3 3709 1240 280 4760 1735 1713 24286 15939 25 771
 果品、蔬菜批发     Wholesale of Fruit Products and Vegetables 1 162 162 110 50 4396 4116 5 276
 肉、禽、蛋及水产品批发     Wholesale of Meat, Poultry, Eggs and Aquatic Products 1 2086 32 11 2731 2137 500 3900 3726 175
 盐及调味品批发     Wholesale of Salts and Condiments 1 25945 31600 12094 49260 14714 10652 46041 22533 468 23040