14-7  续表1 14-7  CONTINUED-1
单位:万元                       (10 000 yuan)
      Item 企业数(个) 流动资产合计 固定资产原价 累计折旧 资产总计 负债合计 实收资本 主营业务收入 主营业务成本 主营业务
Number of
Original Value
of Fixed Assets
Revenue of Major Business Cost of Major Business Tax and Extra of Major Business Profits of
Major Business
 饮料及茶叶批发     Wholesale of Beverages and Tea 9 7496 5372 858 14715 9627 3105 55005 51220 127 1627
 烟草制品批发     Wholesale of Tobacco Products 1 372105 154332 54306 508579 161688 48676 1047867 793704 4587 249576
 其他食品批发     Wholesale of other Food 9 23248 4692 1106 29970 25555 4229 88878 67389 454 5571
纺织、服装及日用品批发 Wholesale of Textiles, Garments and Daily Goods 17 34220 3867 1025 40141 33254 6193 144909 134698 114 5756
 纺织品、针织品及原料批发     Wholesale of Textiles Goods, Knit Goods and Material  5 9051 1462 251 12304 8482 2360 27603 26454 23 276
 服装批发     Wholesale of Garments 4 9206 379 193 9842 9540 1365 31730 26479 36 2235
    Wholesale of Utensils for kitchen, Toilet and Daily
      Sundry Goods
2 7312 290 117 7633 7241 214 34696 33397 8 1291
 化妆品及卫生用品批发     Wholesale of Cosmetics and Healthy Goods 2 2364 221 87 2567 2156 500 17115 15962 15 1138
 其他日用品批发     Wholesale of Other Daily Goods 4 6287 1515 377 7794 5835 1754 33764 32406 32 817
文化、体育用品及器材批发 Wholesale of Cultural and Sports Articles 5 136173 72874 19856 219358 136954 13132 187684 146947 369 39384
 文具用品批发     Wholesale of Cultural Goods 1 33963 147 32 34086 30087 1000 70662 66504 50 3261
 体育用品批发     Wholesale of Sports Goods 1 3951 46 3 4207 3408 6427 5222 1067
 图书批发     Wholesale of Books 1 96064 71832 19577 177427 100839 11622 103551 68633 313 34604
 首饰、工艺品及收藏品批发     Wholesale of Ornaments, Handicrafts and Collections 1 714 41 24 731 804 80 2316 2228 1 88
 其他文化用品批发     Wholesale of Other Cultural Goods 1 1482 808 221 2908 1816 430 4728 4359 5 364
医药及医疗器材批发 Wholesale of Medicines and Medical Appliances 58 542154 85239 24211 673689 540496 67755 1364403 1298857 1448 59286
  西药批发业     Wholesale of Western Medicine 50 461038 60612 19383 541497 445290 48386 1193831 1134164 1320 53792
  中药材及中成药批发     Wholesale of Traditional Chinese Medicine 5 79984 24482 4781 130713 94246 19092 162076 156977 116 4825
  医疗用品及器材批发     Wholesale of Medical Articles and Appliances 3 1131 145 48 1480 959 278 8495 7717 12 670
矿产品、建材及化工产品批发 Wholesale of Mineral, Building and Chemical Products 228 1003062 398864 97364 1517002 1086254 317374 4889088 4578466 11243 253030
 煤炭及制品批发     Wholesale of Coal and Related Products 23 68996 17089 5169 118702 64005 29004 289773 260004 577 23095
 石油及制品批发     Wholesale of Petroleum and Related Products 29 58861 294237 72506 385441 185967 176577 1432072 1295977 2662 132023
 非金属矿及制品批发     Wholesale of Nonmetal Mineral and Related Products 3 1374 995 221 5616 3530 880 19007 16468 19 2518
 金属及金属矿批发     Wholesale of Metal and Metal Mineral 105 528799 41944 10120 582024 498193 58929 1856124 1777653 2314 48488
 建材批发     Wholesale of Building Materials 16 27759 21627 1192 71900 47857 19528 227952 216399 4985 5152
 化肥批发     Wholesale of Fertilizers 17 196786 9559 2797 214220 172957 16804 620268 595288 169 21071
  农药批发     Wholesale of Pesticides
  农用薄膜批发     Wholesale of films for Agriculture 1 693 118 39 803 693 100 6130 5896 234
 其他化工产品批发     Wholesale of Other Chemical Products 34 119795 13295 5320 138296 113051 15553 437763 410782 517 20448
Wholesale of Machinery, Hardware and Electronic
95 960540 32284 13700 1037681 958986 80014 2739343 2553383 2808 92602
 汽车、摩托车及零配件批发     Wholesale of Motor Vehicles, Motorcycles and
      Related Parts
49 502232 14583 5761 540516 496297 54879 1191767 1047942 1581 54723
 五金、交电批发     Wholesale of Hardware and Transport     7 15074 1057 145 16032 12989 1945 68448 66573 24 1745
 家用电器批发     Wholesale of Household Electric Equipment 8 307639 1458 472 309094 303168 4477 1080650 1058528 501 21373
 计算机、软件及辅助设备批发     Wholesale of Computers, Softwares and Assistant
6 12507 104 66 14047 11282 4710 39974 38861 45 779
 通讯及广播电视设备批发     Wholesale of Communication, Broadcast and TV
8 63913 5783 2797 91141 78464 3690 157442 148317 194 8930
 其他机械设备及电子产品批发     Other Wholesale of Machinery and Electronic Products 17 59176 9298 4459 66852 56787 10313 201062 193162 462 5052
贸易经纪与代理 Trade Agencies
其他批发业 Other Wholesales 20 52672 4499 1570 56665 46394 7049 308176 300870 180 6699
 再生物资回收与批发     Wholesale of Recycled Materials 8 32199 1770 516 33768 32331 2053 208800 207098 14 1688
 其他未列明的批发     Other Wholesale not listed here    12 20473 2729 1055 22897 14063 4995 99376 93772 166 5012