14-7  续表2 14-7  CONTINUED-2
单位:万元                     (10 000 yuan)
指      Item 其他业务利润 营业费用 管理费用 营业利润 利润总额 应交所得税 劳动、失业
保 险 费
应付工资 应付福利费 本年应交
增 值 税
Profits of
Other Business
Total Profits Payable
Income Tax 
Insurance of Labour and Unemployment Payable Wages  Payable
Welfare Funds 
Value-added Tax 
Average Employment (person)
总  计 Total 6095 397712 229732 203108 245675 64585 26825 161161 10910 141833 58331
#国有及国有控股     State-owned and State Holding -699 215033 169266 178223 208869 58439 23528 127048 6138 98153 36434
按登记注册类型分组 By Registration
内资企业 Domestic-funded Enterprises 6062 394618 228902 202528 245101 64426 26683 160099 10908 141361 57791
 国有企业     State-owned Enterprises 3870 67308 106469 125150 152487 52835 12746 68083 2420 55951 13258
 集体企业     Collective-owned Enterprises 1520 3771 2542 705 724 176 271 1597 195 1052 989
 股份合作企业     Cooperative Share Holding Enterprises 145 5282 1799 2716 2601 451 99 848 123 865 641
 联营企业     Joint-owned Enterprises 5 645 83 -39 -43 3 40 2 41 30
    国有联营企业         State Joint-owned 278 26 4 2 19 26 10
    国有与集体联营企业         Joint State-collective Enterprises 5 22 37 -44 -44 2 12 1 10
    其他联营企业         Other Joint-owned Enterprises 344 20 1 1 10 1 15 10
 有限责任公司     Limited-liability Corporations -4028 146230 58686 27597 30836 4495 7009 40832 2929 39041 18748
  国有独资公司         State Sole Funded  3309 39494 29351 11148 13696 1611 4524 20384 286 8626 6848
  其他有限责任公司        Other Limited-liability Corporations -7337 106736 29335 16449 17140 2885 2485 20447 2643 30416 11900
 股份有限公司     Share Holding Limited Companies 2231 98716 28977 39269 40397 3754 5623 33304 3263 33779 14406
 私营企业     Private Enterprises 2267 72159 29738 7197 18179 2708 920 15270 1966 10526 9614
  私营独资企业         Private-funded Enterprises 285 6564 1195 75 118 27 10 1129 42 173 497
  私营合伙企业         Private Partnership Enterprises 32 1606 490 496 438 18 4 127 13 38 92
  私营有限责任公司         Private Limited Liability Corporations 1903 61516 26422 6171 5384 2472 823 13102 1787 9823 8443
  私营股份有限公司         Private Share Holding Limited Companies 46 2473 1630 456 12239 192 84 912 124 492 582
 其他企业     Other Enterprises 52 508 609 -66 -79 7 13 125 11 105 105
港澳台商投资企业 Enterprises Funded by Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan 32 978 538 398 391 156 105 438 1 187 154
 合资经营企业     Joint-venture Enterprises 32 19 114 39 33 5 27 1 18 25
  独资经营企业     Enterprises with Sole Funded from Hong Kong,
      Macao and Taiwan 
959 425 359 358 151 105 412 169 129
外商投资企业 Foreign-funded Enterprises 1 2116 291 181 183 4 37 623 1 285 386
 中外合资经营企业     Joint-venture Enterprises 272 85 12 14 4 1 78 1 35 51
 中外合作经营企业     Cooperative Enterprises 1 1844 206 169 168 35 545 250 335
 外资企业     Enterprises with Sole Foreign Funds
 外商投资股份有限公司     Share Holding Limited Companies with foreign Funds
按批发行业小类分组 By Wholesale Sector
农畜产品批发 Wholesale of Agricultural and Animal Products 262 1750 2390 -1566 51 77 335 1980 88 195 1630
 谷物、豆及薯类批发     Wholesale of Cereal, Bean and Tuber 163 1193 1508 -2029 -368 20 157 1379 59 74 1152
 种子、饲料批发     Wholesale of Seed and Feed 50 27 246 68 68 9 4 96 2 34 45
 棉、麻批发     Wholesale of Cotton and Fiber Crops 39 432 455 324 280 46 99 323 12 53 194
 其他农畜产品批发     Other Wholesale of Agricultural and Animal Products 10 99 180 71 71 2 75 183 15 34 239
食品、饮料及烟草制品批发 Wholesale of Food, Beverages & Tobacco Products 3488 59314 111919 129247 158886 53383 14262 70069 2176 56149 13550
 米、面制品及食用油批发     Wholesale of Rice, Noodle Products and Edible Oil 911 8060 7985 -3596 372 289 1651 3739 134 1059 2313
 糕点、糖果及糖批发     Wholesale of Cake,  Candy and  Sugar  79 979 406 123 141 47 58 237 32 225 140
 果品、蔬菜批发     Wholesale of Fruit Products and Vegetables 130 144 2 2 18 3 45 15
 肉、禽、蛋及水产品批发     Wholesale of Meat, Poultry, Eggs and Aquatic Products 209 110 215 19 20 7 12 126 1 54
 盐及调味品批发     Wholesale of Salts and Condiments 378 8254 10301 4921 5066 874 1930 6368   3454 1950