14-7  续表3 14-7  CONTINUED-3
单位:万元                     (10 000 yuan)
指      Item 其他业务利润 营业费用 管理费用 营业利润 利润总额 应交所得税 劳动、失业
保 险 费
应付工资 应付福利费 本年应交
增 值 税
Profits of
Other Business
Total Profits Payable
Income Tax 
Insurance of Labour and Unemployment Payable Wages  Payable
Welfare Funds 
Value-added Tax 
Average Employment (person)
 饮料及茶叶批发     Wholesale of Beverages and Tea 202 2052 1542 26 64 64 206 688 75 298 619
 烟草制品批发     Wholesale of Tobacco Products 1155 37987 89279 125470 151204 52065 10378 57801 1845 48540 7777
 其他食品批发     Wholesale of other Food 554 1742 2047 2283 2017 37 27 1093 87 2528 682
纺织、服装及日用品批发 Wholesale of Textiles, Garments and Daily Goods 567 6814 2467 489 1048 297 242 2897 361 1287 2236
 纺织品、针织品及原料批发     Wholesale of Textiles Goods, Knit Goods and Material  75 956 403 -329 253 79 15 478 60 221 281
 服装批发     Wholesale of Garments 33 3799 693 728 668 176 58 1411 121 606 1104
    Wholesale of Utensils for kitchen, Toilet and Daily
      Sundry Goods
8 768 478 32 61 20 87 250 35 110 232
 化妆品及卫生用品批发     Wholesale of Cosmetics and Healthy Goods 97 909 331 -5 -6 1 20 321 106 99 198
 其他日用品批发     Wholesale of Other Daily Goods 353 382 561 64 71 21 62 437 40 250 421
文化、体育用品及器材批发 Wholesale of Cultural and Sports Articles 3036 17698 15737 8180 8271 127 2506 11113 60 2331 3902
 文具用品批发     Wholesale of Cultural Goods 847 718 2572 2632 1 106 15 548 39
 体育用品批发     Wholesale of Sports Goods 137 359 709 707 127 100 512 73 300
 图书批发     Wholesale of Books 2573 16239 14088 5031 4984 2251 10172 1613 3365
 首饰、工艺品及收藏品批发     Wholesale of Ornaments, Handicrafts and Collections 95 31 -38 -38 38 5 7 22
 其他文化用品批发     Wholesale of Other Cultural Goods 463 379 542 -94 -14 154 285 40 90 176
医药及医疗器材批发 Wholesale of Medicines and Medical Appliances 3097 26011 27357 5466 17102 1067 2518 15011 1047 10150 10005
  西药批发业     Wholesale of Western Medicine 2022 23673 23209 5965 17526 994 2341 12343 738 9361 8761
  中药材及中成药批发     Wholesale of Traditional Chinese Medicine 1075 1929 3851 -600 -494 41 157 2453 280 750 1130
  医疗用品及器材批发     Wholesale of Medical Articles and Appliances 409 297 102 70 33 20 215 29 38 114
矿产品、建材及化工产品批发 Wholesale of Mineral, Building and Chemical Products 3803 204270 41249 58642 59326 7686 5363 42329 5730 62397 18264
 煤炭及制品批发     Wholesale of Coal and Related Products 558 19083 5104 3525 4662 1236 124 2014 233 4723 1015
 石油及制品批发     Wholesale of Petroleum and Related Products -77 97587 4315 28206 28840 1547 3688 24733 3252 27668 9563
 非金属矿及制品批发     Wholesale of Nonmetal Mineral and Related Products 109 1238 638 814 809 41 36 235 7 270 74
 金属及金属矿批发     Wholesale of Metal and Metal Mineral 2156 67216 16892 7859 7678 1552 520 5736 617 5866 3032
 建材批发     Wholesale of Building Materials 69 2405 1837 1407 1406 440 122 1967 96 18930 1710
 化肥批发     Wholesale of Fertilizers 429 4498 5931 10948 10627 1432 319 3712 1164 1324 1421
  农药批发     Wholesale of Pesticides
  农用薄膜批发     Wholesale of films for Agriculture 2 141 57 18 18 6 5 15 8
 其他化工产品批发     Wholesale of Other Chemical Products 559 12102 6475 5865 5286 1431 550 3917 362 3615 1441
Wholesale of Machinery, Hardware and Electronic
-8370 79571 26397 55 -1650 1447 1389 16410 1336 8208 7862
 汽车、摩托车及零配件批发     Wholesale of Motor Vehicles, Motorcycles and
      Related Parts
-9735 53138 10884 -1777 -4279 670 830 10055 612 4731 3961
 五金、交电批发     Wholesale of Hardware and Transport     61 1087 513 116 95 45 88 425 38 212 309
 家用电器批发     Wholesale of Household Electric Equipment 39 14426 7664 903 981 223 167 1908 316 1075 1014
 计算机、软件及辅助设备批发     Wholesale of Computers, Softwares and Assistant
7 830 403 -466 -464 21 2 563 72 73 476
 通讯及广播电视设备批发     Wholesale of Communication, Broadcast and TV
564 4505 3393 720 779 187 133 2125 80 934 1452
 其他机械设备及电子产品批发     Other Wholesale of Machinery and Electronic Products 694 5584 3540 559 1238 301 169 1335 218 1184 650
贸易经纪与代理 Trade Agencies
其他批发业 Other Wholesales 212 2284 2217 2596 2641 503 210 1351 113 1117 882
 再生物资回收与批发     Wholesale of Recycled Materials 164 1061 608 20 77 29 189 739 23 9 629
 其他未列明的批发     Other Wholesale not listed here    48 1223 1609 2576 2564 474 21 612 90 1109 253