1510  利用外资情况20062007
Utilization of Foreign Capital (2006-2007)
单位:万美元     ( USD 10 000)
        Item 2006 2007
新签利用外资协议(合同)数(个) Number of New Signed Agreements and Contracts on
  Foreign Capital to Be Utilizedunit)
252 263
  外商直接投资     Foreign Direct Investment 223 240
  外商其他投资     Other Foreign Investment 29 23
协议(合同)额 Total Amount of Agreements and Contracts 112960 407369
  外商直接投资     Foreign Direct Investment 111558 406799
  外商其他投资     Other Foreign Investment 1402 570
实际利用外资额 Total Amount of Foreign Capital Actually Utilized 87667 122011
对外借款 Foreign Loans 17450 13099
外商直接投资 Foreign Direct Investment 69595 108534
外商其他投资 Other Foreign Investment 622 378