1511  对外承包工程、劳务合作和设计咨询20062007
Contracted Projects, Labor Cooperations and Design &
Consultation with Foreign Countries and Territories (2006-2007)
      Item 2006 2007
签订合同数(个) Number of Contracts (unit) 72 67
对外承包工程 Contracted Projects 23 21
对外劳务合作 Labor Cooperation 47 44
设计咨询 Design and Consultation 2 2
合同金额(万美元) Value of Contract (USD 10 000) 21447 30714
对外承包工程 Contracted Projects 19937 21628
对外劳务合作 Labor Cooperation 818 1148
设计咨询 Design and Consultation 692 7938
实际完成营业额(万美元) Value of Business Fulfilled (USD 10 000) 16050 20585
对外承包工程 Contracted Projects 13086 14942
对外劳务合作 Labor Cooperation 2389 2589
设计咨询 Design and Consultation 575 3054
劳务输出(人) Labor Exported (person) 4126 5270
#技术人员     Technicians 1200 1500