1513  外商投资企业生产经营和财务情况20062007
Statistics on Production, Business and Finance
of Foreign-funded Enterprises (2006-2007)
单位:万元     (10 000 yuan)
              Item 2006 2007
调查企业数(个) Number of Surveyed Enterprises (unit) 957 1045
    第一产业     Primary Industry 4 4
 第二产业     Secondary Industry 500 529
 第三产业     Tertiary Industry 453 512
#港澳台商投资企业     Enterprises with Funds from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan 428 450
协议总投资额(万美元) Total Investment on Contracts (USD 10 000) 1122711 1806477
#协议外商总投资额     Total Foreign Investment on Contracts 754149 1181475
当年外商实际投资额(万美元) Actual Foreign Investment in Current Year (USD 10 000) 44896 147930
    实际现金投资     Cash Investment 44164 146769
    实际实物投资     Available Objects as Investment 522 940
    无形资产作价投资     Intangible Assets as Investment 210 221
注册资本金总额(万美元) Total Registered Capital (USD 10 000) 512897 863239
  中 方     Chinese Participant 174980 244974
    外 方     Foreign Participant 337917 618265
工业总产值 Gross Output Value of Industry 7600145 10776905
主营业务收入 Major Business Revenue 9256050 12991481
销售(营业)成本 Business Cost 7074666 10077244
销售(营业)税金及附加 Business Tax and Extra Charges 175744 255753
其他业务收入 Other Business Revenue 103023 246875
利润总额 Total After-tax Profits 630746 951390
资产总计 Total Assets 13425718 18937379
负债总计 Total Liabilities 7757031 11900496
#流动负债     Circulating Liabilities 5524691 8548012
  长期负债     Long Term Liabilities 2082193 2901729