154  对外承包工程和劳务合作19852007
Contracted Projects and Labor Cooperation with
Foreign Countries and Territories (1985-2007)
单位:万美元     (USD 10 000)
      签订合同数(个) 合同金额 实际完成营业额
Year Number of Contracts (unit) Value of Contracts Value of Business Fulfilled
1985 9 2109 572
1986 18 1571 337
1987 15 1540 572
1988 13 2640 2683
1989 27 2605 2574
1990 14 2971 2189
1991 16 4329 2436
1992 19 3765 2896
1993 13 9440 2704
1994 45 4106 4132
1995 33 4032 3757
1996 35 6654 3160
1997 22 2607 2725
1998 24 1969 3203
1999 235 4591 3842
2000 231 9232 5806
2001 232 11590 6700
2002 117 12200 7959
2003 94 13450 8810
2004 81 14805 10078
2005 70 18498 12138
2006 72 21447 16050
2007 67 30714 20585