158  出口主要商品数量和金额20062007
Main Exported Commodities in Volume and Value (2006-2007)
单位:万美元       (USD 10 000)
Volume Value
2006 2007 2006 2007
鲜冻猪肉(吨) Fresh Frozen Pork (ton) 6429 4217 975 837
活猪(种猪除外)(头) Live pig(excluding swine)(head) 3719 6669 48 113
谷物及谷物粉(吨) Grain and grain's powder(ton) 1060 220 85 18
蔬 菜(吨) Vegetables (ton) 7052 5558 827 862
鲜、干水果及坚果(吨) Fresh, Dried Fruits and Nuts(ton) 392 317 28 40
茶 叶(吨) Tea (ton) 10213 7598 619 547
猪肉罐头(吨) Canned Pork (ton) 5140 4493 594 644
蘑菇罐头(吨) Canned Mushroom (ton) 3698 3197 372 390
植物榨油后的剩余物(吨) Residue after pressing plant's oil(ton) 909 524 22 15
肠 衣(吨) Casings (ton) 4028 3419 3105 3624
填衣用羽毛、羽绒(吨) Feathers and Dawn for Stuffing (ton) 591 393 710 442
药 材(吨) Medical Materials (ton) 528 151 85 489
生 丝(吨) Raw Silk (ton) 439 742 1159 1760
黏土及其他耐火矿物(吨) Clay and Other Refractory Minerals (ton) 189437 166870 1706 2133
重晶石(吨) Barite (ton) 487 288 6 3
合成有机染料(吨) Synthetic Organic Dyestuffs (ton) 185 92 111 103
医药品(吨) Medical and Pharmaceutical Products (ton) 1537 1163 4483 5684
Wood Products for Household Use and
  Decoration (ton)
455 508 96 108
纸及纸板(未切成形的)(吨) Paper and Paperboard Unchopped (ton) 6 10 1 5
纺织纱线、织物及制品 Textile Yarn Woven Fabrics and Related
  Products (value)
16311 23726
水 泥(吨) Cement (ton) 2999 2428 43 22
玻璃制品(吨) Glass Products (ton) 15374 19363 1349 1748
家用陶瓷器(吨) Porcelain and Pottery Ware for Household
  Use (ton)
8430 8901 1429 1749
硅 铁(吨) Ferrosilicon (ton) 5005 5766 230 478
钢 材(吨) Rolled Steel (ton) 53011 35707 3107 2898
未锻造的铜及铜材(吨) Unwrought Copper and Rolled Copper (ton) 75 18 83 15
未锻造的铝及铝材(吨) Unwrought Aluminum and Rolled Aluminum
41577 55253 13120 18050
未锻造的锌及锌合金(吨) Unwrought Zinc and Zinc Alloys (ton) 3093 9741 1018 3750
未锻造的锰、粉末及废碎料(吨) Unwrought Manganese,powder and waste
26156 25282 3319 5613
钢铁或铜制标准紧固件(吨) Standard Fastener Made of Steel Iron or
  Copper (ton)
780 1129 158 224
Steel Kitchen wares and Dish wares (ton) 252 399 108 131
手用或机用工具(吨) Hand Tools and Tools for Machines (ton) 6871 6771 1399 1878
锁(吨) Locks (ton) 194 320 115 325
电扇(台) Fans(set) 105960 78845 163 227
纺织机械及零件 Textile Machinery and parts 249 200
金属加工机床(台) Metal Processing Machine Tools (set) 424830 482037 1289 1926
自动数据处理设备及其部件(万个) Auto Data Processors and Assemblies
  (10 000 units)
6851 2634 132 37