15-8 续表  CONTINUED
单位:万美元         (USD 10 000)
Volume Value
2006 2007 2006 2007
自动数据处理设备的零件(吨) Parts of Auto Data Processors (ton) 80 65 90 174
轴 承(万个) Bearings (10 000 units) 74 118 58 116
电动机及发电机(万个) Electric Motors and Power Generators
 (10 000 units)
361 503 387 853
变压器(万个) Transformer(10 000 units) 3208 4978 1383 756
静止式变流器(万个) Static Converters (10 000 units) 72 120 407 532
原电池(万个) Primary Batteries (10 000 units) 20492 20103 1382 1495
蓄电池(万个) Electric Calculator (10 000 units) 14 16 204 274
手持或车载无线电话机(个) Handheld and car's radiotelephoneunits 100 21150 1 55
扬声器(万个) Loudspeakers (10 000 units) 1 13 4 29
激光唱机(万个) Laser gramophones(10 000 units) 1 4 10 53
录、放像机(万个) VCR and players(10 000 units) 15 150 1029 3158
电视机(包括整套散件)(台) TV(including relative all parts)(set) 1193 6902 17 72
录放机、像机及唱机的零件(吨) Parts of Video and Sound Apparatus (ton) 1877 1692 2634 2261
Accessories of TV Sets Radios and Radio
  Communication (ton)
1247 522 1684 940
电容器(吨) Electrical Capacitors (ton) 7 6 10 9
印刷电路(万个) Printing Circuits (10 000 units) 288 144 102 89
通断保护电路装置及零件 Protection devices and electrical parts 65 264
Diodes Transistors and Semiconductor
  Devices (10 000 units)
54657 42658 686 726
集成电路及微电子组(万个) IC and Microcircuits (10 000 units) 25 407 15 178
电线和电缆(吨) Insulated Wires and Cables (ton) 876 2137 333 1001
汽车和汽车底盘(万个) Motor Vehicles and Chassis (10 000 units) 22 3 22693 16197
汽车零件 Parts of Motor Vehicles (value) 5322 9250
摩托车(个) Motorcycles (unit) 2610396 3123265 87594 106113
自行车(个) Bicycles(unit) 47036 43932 58 62
摩托车及自行车零件 Parts of Motorcycles and Bicycles (value) 9192 12970
船 舶(个) Ships (vehecle) 2 1 690 608
医疗仪器及器械 Medical Instruments and Appliances(value) 286 402
日用钟(万个) Clocks (10 000 units) 94 111 234 286
家具及其零件 Furnitures and relative parts(value) 468 599
床垫、寝具及类似品  Mattress Mattess and Related Products (value) 228 229
灯具、照明及类似品 Lighting Apparatus and Related Products(value) 96 153
旅行用品及箱包 Travelling Articles and Cases (value) 484 348
服装及衣着附件 Clothing and Accessories (value) 3563 6975
鞋 类 Shoes (value) 634 536
塑料制品(吨) Plastic Products (ton) 1344 1875 399 486
玩 具 Toys (value) 256 194
圣诞用品(吨) Christmas Articles (ton) 37 62 17 26
伞(万个) Umbrellas (10 000 units) 91 49 105 26
鬃 刷(万个) Bristle Brushes (10 000 units) 2071 1961 237 247
人造花(吨) Man-made flowers(ton) 56 23 28 119
机电产品 Mechanical and Electrical Products (value) 225868 302085
高新技术产品 High-tech Products (value)     15389 20199