159  进口主要商品数量和金额20062007
Main Imported Commodities in Volume and Value (2006-2007)
单位:万美元       (USD 10 000)
Volume Value
2006 2007 2006 2007
大 豆(吨) Soybean (ton) 272959 496660 7469 17969
食用植物油(吨) Edible Vegetable Oil (ton) 6883 2 277 1
其他植物油(吨) Other Vegetalbe Oil(ton) 7 16 4 12
配制的动物饲料(吨) Prepared Feeding Stuff (ton) 52 38 4 4
天然橡胶(包括胶乳)(吨) Natural Rubber (including Latex) (ton) 3843 3691 665 774
合成橡胶(吨) Synthetic Rubber (including Latex) (ton) 1265 1706 425 481
原木(立方米) Unprocessing Wood(m3) 64 795 19 26
棉 花(吨) Cotton (ton) 500 2161 67 295
铁矿砂及其精矿(吨) Iron Ore and Refined Ore (ton) 1810086 1461662 12716 12822
锰矿砂及其精矿(吨) Manganese Ore and Refined Ore (ton) 32855 17426 233 315
铬矿砂及其精矿(吨) Chromium Ore and Refined Ore (ton) 60561 1058 981 13
成品油(吨) Petroleum Products Refined (ton) 539 545 149 176
异氰酸酯(吨) Isocyanate(ton) 65 47 28 20
对苯二甲酸(吨) Telephthalic Acid (ton) 5004 2002 428 170
肥 料(吨) Chemical Fertilizers (ton) 81 82 3 3
合成有机染料(吨) Synthetic Organic Dyestuffs (ton) 134 44 108 56
钛白粉(吨) Titanium White (ton) 795 1011 157 201
聚合物油漆及清漆(吨) Polymer Paint (ton) 391 654 111 216
初级形状的塑料(吨) Plastic in Primary Shape (ton) 9764 13606 1966 2807
非泡沫塑料的板、片、膜、箔(吨) Sheet, Film and Foil Made of Foam Plastic(ton) 560 1284 253 639
纸及纸板(未切成形的)(吨) Paper and Paperboard Unchopped (ton) 3419 4570 850 1278
合成纤维长丝机织物(万米) Synthetic Fibers Long Silk Woven Fabric
   (10 000 meters) 
83 53 633 447
针织或钩编织物(吨) Knitwear or woven(ton) 7 9 19 15
玻璃纤维及其制品(吨) Glass Fibers and Relative Products (ton) 112 152 86 148
钢 材(吨) Rolled Steel (ton) 22596 23086 2453 3504
钢铁制标准坚固件(吨) Standard Fastener Made of Steel (ton) 3823 6308 2481 4073
未锻造的铜及铜材(吨) Unforged Copper and Rolled Copper (ton) 72 70 54 58
未锻造的铝及铝材(吨) Unforged Aluminum and Rolled Aluminum (ton) 507 426 291 250
Structure and Relative Parts Made of Steel or
  Aluminum (ton)
215 213 87 28
Wires and Relative Products Made of Steel or
  Aluminum (ton)
281 318 149 185
活塞式内燃机的零件(吨) Parts of Piston Combustion Engines (ton) 11672 11925 17149 19966
液泵及液体提升机(台) Liquid Pumps and Elevators (set) 368538 544699 4147 6203
制冷设备用压缩机(台) Compressors for Refrigerating Equipment (set) 132723 58482 1335 507
空气调节器(台) Air Conditioning Unit (ton) 54757 3 531 10
冷冻机及制冷设备 Refrigerators and Refrigerating Equipment 298 651
非家用型水的过滤、净化机器(台) Non-family machinery for filtering and Purifing
45 5115 77 252
饮料及液体食品灌装设备(台) Canned equipment for beverage and liquid food 5 2 273 301
机械提升搬运装设备及零件 Mechanical Elevators for Transport and
  Relative Parts
763 2547
建筑及采矿用机械及零件 Machinery and parts for Construction and Mining 250 364
食品加工机械及零件 Machinery and parts for Food Processing 489 137
制造纸及纸制品用机械及零件 Machinery for Paper and Paper Products
  Manufacturing and Relative Parts
857 2339
印刷装订机械及零件 Machinery and parts for Printing and Binding      525 1591