161  主要金融机构数20062007
Number of Main Financial Institutions (2006-2007)
单位:个 (unit)
        Item 2006 2007
银行机构 Banks
内资银行 Dometic-funded Banks
  省(市)级分行/市联社会     Sivisions /Rural Credit Cooperative at Provincial Level 23 24
  一级支行/地(区)级联合社     Divisions at 1st Level /Rural Credit Cooperative at District Level 46 78
  二级支行/信用社     Divisions at 2nd Level /Credit Cooperative 605 779
  分理处(分社)     Small Local Branch 1470 566
  储蓄所     Saving Offices 2882 2536
中外合资、外资银行分行 Bank Branches of Joint-venture with Foreign Investment and
  Sole Foreign Investment
5 6
保险机构 Insurance Companies
保险公司法人机构 Corporate Entity of Insurance Companies 2 3
内资保险公司 Dometic-funded Insurance Companies
  省(市)级分公司     Divisions at Provincial Level 19 23
  中心支公司     Center Sub-divisions 22 26
  支公司     Sub-divisions 179 218
  营销服务部     Operating & Service Offices 750 736
中外合资、外资保险公司 Insurance Company Branches of Joint-venture with Foreign
  Investment and Sole Foreign Investment
3 3
外资保险公司代表处 Agencies of Foreign-funded Insurance Companies 1 1
专业保险中介机构 Professional Insurance Intermediary Institutions
    保险代理公司     Insurance Agent Companies 19 22
    保险公估公司     Insurance Assessment Companies 8 6
    保险经纪公司     Insurance Broker Companies 9 14
证券机构 Security Companies
内资证券公司 Dometic-funded Security Companies
  法人机构     Corporate Entity 1 1
  营业部     Operating  Offices 63 65
  服务部     Service Offices 26 25
中外合资、外资证券公司分公司 Security Company Branches of Joint-venture with Foreign
  Investment and Sole Foreign Investment
Notea) Financial Institutions of Joint-venture with foreign investment and sole foreign investment at provincial level are only accounted.
            b) Data of insurance companies excludes Chongqing Operation Office of China Export & Credit Insurance Corporation.