163  金融机构(含外资)本外币信贷资金平衡表(20062007)
Credit Funds Balance of RMB and Foreign Currencies of
Financial Institutions (Including Foreign-funded) (2006-2007)
单位:亿元   (100 million yuan)
        Item 2006 2007
各项存款余额 Total Deposit Balance 5587.50 6662.36
    企事业单位存款     Deposits of Enterprises and Undertakings 1584.11 2048.82
        活期存款         Demand 1327.42 1760.34
        定期存款         Time 256.69 288.48
    储蓄存款     Urban and Rural Saving Deposits 2980.23 3255.49
        活期存款         Demand 957.57 1135.91
    定期存款         Time 2022.66 2119.58
各项贷款余额 Total Loan Balance 4443.84 5197.08
    短期贷款     Short-term Loans 1517.28 1604.45
    中长期贷款     Medium & Long-term Loans 2410.27 3244.56
有价证券及投资 Securities and Investment 178.80 256.84
注: 外币折本币所用汇率为当年最后一个交易日的中间汇率。
Note: The exchange rates of foreign currencies for RMB are the middle rates of exchange on the last market day in current year.