164  金融机构(含外资)人民币信贷资金平衡表20062007
Credit Funds Balance of RMB of Financial Institutions
(Including Foreign-funded) (2006-2007)
单位:亿元     (100 million yuan)
            Item 2006 2007
各项存款余额 Total Deposit Balance 5519.75 6576.68
  #企业存款     Enterprise Deposits 1551.98 1997.71
    #定期存款         Time 248.79 280.38
        财政存款     Treasury Deposits 155.91 260.95
    机关团体存款     Deposits of Government Agencies and Organizations 230.72 328.79
    储蓄存款     Urban and Rural Saving Deposits 2949.05 3228.15
    #定期储蓄         Time 1999.88 2099.55
    农业存款     Agricultural Deposits 99.35 162.95
    信托及委托存款     Trusted Deposits 4.56 18.81
金融债券 Bonds
同业往来 Interbank Deposits 48.43 86.84
各项准备 Various Reserves 61.10 81.11
 #贷款损失准备金     Reserve for Loan Losses 57.71 77.81
各项贷款余额 Total Loan Balance 4388.28 5131.69
  #短期贷款     Short-term Loans 1510.73 1597.12
      个人短期消费贷款         Personal Short-term Consumer Loans 41.95 59.66
    中期流动资金贷款     Medium-term Circulating Asset Loans
    中长期贷款     Medium & Long-term Loans 2396.26 3220.70
    #基本建设贷款         Loans to Capital Construction 1390.67 1698.08
      技术改造贷款         Loans to Technique Innovation 36.07 33.32
      个人中长期消费贷款         Personal Medium & Long-term Consumer Loans 484.61 782.91
    委托贷款    Trusted Loans 0.85
    票据融资     Bills for Financing 479.60 309.23
    #贴 现         Discount 479.60 309.23
有价证券及投资 Securities and Investment 294.44 384.50
同业往来 Interbank Loans 59.69 17.59
外汇占款 Purchase of Foreign Exchanges -0.51 0.55
固定资产 Fixed Assets 95.78 92.68
库存现金 Cash on Hand 44.55 57.32