167  金融机构(含外资)本外币贷款结构20062007
Loan Composition of RMB and Foreign Currency of
Financial Institutions  (Including Foreign-funded) (2006-2007)
单位:亿元     (100 million yuan)
                     Item 2006 2007
贷款总计 Total Loans 4183.28 5019.36
按贷款对象分 By Loanee
    内资企业贷款     Loans to Domestic-funded Enterprises 3249.94 3731.91
   #国有企业         State-owned 1067.26 1233.18
    港澳台商投资企业贷款     Loans to Funded by Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan 70.72 78.73
    外商投资企业贷款      Loans to  Foreign-funded Enterprises 88.26 107.77
    个人贷款     Individual Loans 774.36 1100.95
    #个人消费         Personal Expenditure 526.57 844.17
    境外贷款     Loans Abroad
按行业分 By Sector
#农林牧渔业     Primary Industry 178.55 224.68
    制造业     Manufacturing 715.16 786.53
    交通运输、仓储和邮政业     Transportation, Storage, Postal Services 466.34 536.67
    批发和零售业     Wholesale and Retail Trade 288.36 279.35
    房地产业     Real Estate 479.01 567.76
    水利、环境和公共设施管理     Water Conservancy, Environment & Public Utility
354.15 496.36
Note: Data excludes the rediscount in this table.