171  主要年份各级各类学校数
Number of Various Schools in Major Years
单位:所           (unit)
  普通高等学校 普通中等
普通中学       特殊教育学校    
Year Regular
Institutions of
Higher Education
Schools for the
Blind, Deaf and
1952 7 50 128 12920
1957 9 43 249 16201
1962 10 14 402 14148
1965 11 52 696 31503
1970 11 22 1700 21253
1975 8 72 1366 25465
1978 13 76 2948 25002
1980 16 73 1989 25120
1985 18 74 1788 22793 7 5800
1986 19 77 1739 22486 19 5230
1987 19 81 1759 22094 18 5542
1988 20 82 1753 21629 20 5009
1989 20 82 1751 20972 23 4726
1990 20 82 1753 20248 24 5232
1991 20 82 1762 19829 29 4486
1992 20 82 1766 19496 32 4814
1993 20 82 1746 18849 30 4061
1994 20 83 1725 18175 31 4094
1995 22 83 1638 19637 30 6046
1996 22 81 1651 16779 36 5538
1997 22 81 1606 16261 37 5741
1998 22 81 1555 15737 37 5412
1999 23 78 1552 15223 42 6007
2000 22 62 1568 14730 42 6659
2001 29 52 1607 13076 44 3726
2002 29 47 1574 12031 38 3477
2003 33 39 1564 10966 41 3093
2004 34 38 1511 10409 43 3408
2005 35 37 1414 9558 43 3287
2006 38 30 1373 8754 44 3376
2007 38 28 1361 7990 43 3351
Note: The Data of kindergartens are in accordance with the definition by Ministry of Education since 2001, so it is not comparable with previous
          years (the same below).