1714  科技经费、科技奖励情况20062007
Funds and Rewards for Science and Technology (2006-2007)
单位:项     (item)
       Item 2006 2007
科学支出(万元) Expenditure of Funds for Science(10 000 yuan) 110513
市级 Municipal 40397
区县 District and Country 70116
科技奖励情况 Rewards of Science and Technology
科技进步奖 Advanced Rewards of Science and Technology
  国家级     National Rewards 7 8
    一等奖         1st Prize 1
    二等奖         2nd Prize 6 8
  市 级     Municipal Rewards 90 106
    一等奖         1st Prize 7 11
    二等奖         2nd Prize 27 30
    三等奖         3rd Prize 56 65
自然科学奖 Rewards of Natural Science
  市 级     Municipal Rewards 14 21
    一等奖         1st Prize 1 2
    二等奖         2nd Prize 6 9
    三等奖         3rd Prize 7 10
技术发明奖 Rewards of Technological Invents
  市 级     Municipal Rewards 6 3
    一等奖         1st Prize 2
    二等奖         2nd Prize 2
    三等奖         3rd Prize 2 3
Note:The subjects of finance are changed,so data of expenditure of funds for science is not provided in 2006.