1715  科学技术协会活动情况2007
Activities of Science and Technology Associations (2007)
市级科协 市级学会
Total Science and Technology Associations at Municipal Level Learned
Societies at
国内学术会议 Domestic Academic Meetings
举办次数(次) Holding Number (time) 539 6 533
参加人数(人次) Number of Participants (person-times) 64772 1120 63652
交流论文数(篇) Number of Papers Presented (piece) 9131 23 9108
国际学术会议 International Academic Meetings 
在国内举行的国际学术会议(次) Held in China Number (time) 21 2 19
中方参加人数(人次) Number of Chinese Participants (person-times) 2557 310 2247
中方交流论文(篇) Number of Chinese Papers Presented (piece) 681 100 581
外方参加人数(人次) Number of Foreign  Participants (person-times) 819 4 815
外方交流论文(篇) Number of Foreign Papers Presented (piece) 251 85 166
科学考察 Scientific Study Tour
外派科技团组个数(个) Number of Scientific Groups Sent Abroad (unit) 46 46
外派总人次(人次) Number of Person-times Sent Abroad (person-times) 234 234
科普活动 Activities for Popular Science
科普讲座次数(次) Number of Lectures  (time) 869 53 816
科普讲座参加人数(人次) Number of Participants (person-times) 164399 24110 140289
科普展览次数(次) Number of Exhibitions (time) 276 49 227
科普展览参加人数(人次) Number of Participants (person-times) 810350 460800 349550
科技夏(冬)令营(次) Technical Summer (winter) Camp (time) 15 1 14
青年科技竞赛次数(次) Number of Teenagers Participating in
  Science-technology Competitions (time)
37 9 28
科技培训 Training Program
院校培训结业学员数(人) Number of Persons Trained by Universities and
  Colleges (person)
培训班培训人次(人次) Number of Persons Trained by Training Classes
13647 1420 12227
外派研修生人数(人次) Number of Trainees Sent Abroad (person-times)
咨 询 Consultative Activities
无偿咨询项目数(项) Number of Non-payable Consultative Projects (item) 3388 5 3383
完成技术合同数(项) Number of Consultative Contracts Completed (item) 270 178 92
咨询合同实现金额(万元) Revenue from Fulfillment of Consultative Contracts
  (10 000 yuan)
3957 1900 2057
#技术交易额(万元)     Technology Business Value (10 000 yuan) 3816 1900 1916