17-15 科学技术协会活动情况(2007年) | ||||
Activities of Science and Technology Associations (2007) | ||||
指 标 | Item | 合 计 | ||
市级科协 | 市级学会 | |||
Total | Science and Technology Associations at Municipal Level | Learned Societies at Municipal Level |
国内学术会议 | Domestic Academic Meetings | |||
举办次数(次) | Holding Number (time) | 539 | 6 | 533 |
参加人数(人次) | Number of Participants (person-times) | 64772 | 1120 | 63652 |
交流论文数(篇) | Number of Papers Presented (piece) | 9131 | 23 | 9108 |
国际学术会议 | International Academic Meetings | |||
在国内举行的国际学术会议(次) | Held in China Number (time) | 21 | 2 | 19 |
中方参加人数(人次) | Number of Chinese Participants (person-times) | 2557 | 310 | 2247 |
中方交流论文(篇) | Number of Chinese Papers Presented (piece) | 681 | 100 | 581 |
外方参加人数(人次) | Number of Foreign Participants (person-times) | 819 | 4 | 815 |
外方交流论文(篇) | Number of Foreign Papers Presented (piece) | 251 | 85 | 166 |
科学考察 | Scientific Study Tour | |||
外派科技团组个数(个) | Number of Scientific Groups Sent Abroad (unit) | 46 | 46 | |
外派总人次(人次) | Number of Person-times Sent Abroad (person-times) | 234 | 234 | |
科普活动 | Activities for Popular Science | |||
科普讲座次数(次) | Number of Lectures (time) | 869 | 53 | 816 |
科普讲座参加人数(人次) | Number of Participants (person-times) | 164399 | 24110 | 140289 |
科普展览次数(次) | Number of Exhibitions (time) | 276 | 49 | 227 |
科普展览参加人数(人次) | Number of Participants (person-times) | 810350 | 460800 | 349550 |
科技夏(冬)令营(次) | Technical Summer (winter) Camp (time) | 15 | 1 | 14 |
青年科技竞赛次数(次) | Number of Teenagers
Participating in Science-technology Competitions (time) |
37 | 9 | 28 |
科技培训 | Training Program | |||
院校培训结业学员数(人) | Number of Persons Trained by
Universities and Colleges (person) |
培训班培训人次(人次) | Number of Persons Trained by
Training Classes (person-times) |
13647 | 1420 | 12227 |
外派研修生人数(人次) | Number of Trainees Sent Abroad (person-times) | |||
咨 询 | Consultative Activities | |||
无偿咨询项目数(项) | Number of Non-payable Consultative Projects (item) | 3388 | 5 | 3383 |
完成技术合同数(项) | Number of Consultative Contracts Completed (item) | 270 | 178 | 92 |
咨询合同实现金额(万元) | Revenue from Fulfillment of
Consultative Contracts (10 000 yuan) |
3957 | 1900 | 2057 |
#技术交易额(万元) | Technology Business Value (10 000 yuan) | 3816 | 1900 | 1916 |