1716  科技活动基本情况2007
Basic Statistics on Scientific and Technological Activities (2007)
        Item   科研机构 高等院校  
Total Research
Colleges &
有科技活动的单位数(个) Units Engaged in Scientific and Technological
  Activities (unit)
1302 27 34 4
科技活动人员(人) Personnel Engaged in Scientific and Technological
  Activities (person) 
84082 5640 14689 777
#科学家和工程师     Scientists and Engineers 58112 3674 12374 608
科技活动经费筹集总额(万元) Total Funds Raised for Scientific and Technological
  Activities (10 000 yuan)
1056510 63192 120300 3543
    政府资金     Funds from Government 165609 48197 69170 2998
    企业资金     Funds from Enterprises 749647 880 40403 67
    事业单位资金     Funds from Institutions 24144 12525 8647 419
    金融机构贷款     Funds from Financial Institutions 68641
    国外资金     Foreign Funds 35334 18 583 29
    其他资金     Others 13136 1573 1497 30
科技活动经费内部支出(万元) Inner Expenditure of Funds for Scientific and
  Technological Activities (10 000 yuan)
1056590 66243 107376 2586
    人员劳务费     Remuneration for Personnel 203322 14004 22435 780
    固定资产购建     Purchases of Fixed Assets 352522 12101 7912 305
 #设备购置          Facilities 343119 34735 19591 295
    其 他     Others 500747 40138 77029 1501
科技活动经费外部支出(万元) Outside Expenditure of Funds for Scientific and
  Technological Activities (10 000 yuan)
60558 71 5947 13
全部科技项目(课题)数(项) Total Scientific and Technological Projects (item) 15942 743 9322 677
Full-time Converted Personnel Engaged in Scientific
  and Technological Projects (person-year)
44816 3179 7882 466
#科学家和工程师     Scientists and Engineers 35619 2251 7707 456
Inner Expenditure of Funds for Scientific and
  Technological Projects (10 000 yuan)
762485 32601 64321 1605
专利申请数(件) Patents Applied (pcs) 4362 41 616 6
#发明专利申请数     Invents 985 33 408 4
拥有发明专利(件) Patents Owned (pcs) 1719 37 829 17
发表科技论文(篇) Scientific and Technological Papers Issued (unit)  24120 977 21511 1687
出版科技著作(种) Scientific and Technological Works Issued (sort) 825 21 790 7
研究与技术开发机构数(个) Institutes of Research and Technological
  Development (unit)
735 27 186 11
机构从事科技活动人员(人) Personnel of Institutes Engaged in Scientific and
  Technological Activities (person)
37672 5640 4717 240
#科学家和工程师     Scientists and Engineers 22538 3674 3115 146
机构科技经费内部支出(万元) Inner Expenditure of Scientific and Technological
  Funds of Institutes (10 000 yuan)
471413 66243 29987 1128
机构年末固定资产原价(万元) Year-end Net Value of Fixed Assets of Institutes
  (10 000 yuan)
377542 182713 101289 4537
#仪器设备     Apparatus and Facilities 764059 43191 73020 4284