1719  普通高等学校科技项目情况2007
Scientific and Technological Projects of
Regular Institutions of Higher Education (2007)
  Item 课题数
当年投入经费(万元) 当年支出经费(万元) 当年投入人员(人年)  
Number of
Projects (unit)
Funds of
(10 000 yuan)
for Projects
(10 000 yuan)
Engaged in
Scientists and
Engineers (Science,
Industry, Agriculture
and Medical Fields) 
总  计  Total 5966 71127 58352 6236 6064
R&D项目 R&D Projects 5061 57496 48961 5170 5029
    基础研究     Basic Research 1873 17958 13689 1990 1920
    应用研究     Application Research 2746 31240 27398 2669 2608
    试验发展     Testing Development 442 8298 7874 511 501
R&D项目 Non-R&D Projects 905 13633 9391 1067 1035
    R&D成果应用     Application of R&D
527 6521 4552 546 531
    科技服务     Technological Services 378 7112 4839 521 504