1729  公共图书馆情况20062007
Public Libraries (2006-2007)
      Item 总 计    
#市 级
Total at Municipal Level
2006 2007 2006 2007
总藏量(万册、件) Total Collections (10 000 volumes) 792 858 295 316
书架总长度(万米) Total Length of Bookshelves (10 000 meters) 12 12 4 4
发放借书证数(万个) Number of Library Cards Distributed (10 000 units) 12 14 3 6
图书流通情况            Circulation of Books
  总流通人次(万人次)     Total Number of Circulation (10 000 person-times) 330 483 85 127
  书刊外借册次(万册次)     Number of Books Borrowed by Readers (10 000
586 554 136 143
Number of Service Activities Provided for Readers (time) 577 711 183 222
总支出(万元) Total Expenditures (10 000 yuan) 3994 6545 1676 3465
#藏量购置费      Purchase Expenses 624 1350 316 935
本年新购藏量(万册) Number of Books Purchased During Current Year (10 000
28 46 13 21
Floor Space of Public Buildings (10 000 sq.m) 13 14 4 4
#书 库      Stack Rooms 4 3 1 1
阅览室座席(个) Seating Capacity of Reading Rooms (seat) 8600 8094 822 822