1732  艺术表演团体演出情况2007
Basic Statistics on Performance of Art Troupes (2007)
       Item 国内演出场数
Number of
Number of Spectators
in civil Performances
1000 person-times)
                    Total                                    6338 5244
按登记注册类型分 By Registration
                  State-owned  2333 2980
             Collective-owned  315 416
  Others 3690 1848
按剧种分            By Art Troupes                              
话剧、儿童剧、滑稽剧团  Drama, Children's Play and Comedy Troupes 853 756
歌剧、舞剧、歌舞剧团       Opera, Dance and Light Music Troupes              202 331
歌舞团、轻音乐团 Song and Dance, Light Music              2764 691
文工团、宣传队、乌兰牧骑        Cultural and Performance Troupes and
  Ulanmuchi (equestrian art troupes)          
56 175
乐团、合唱团            Philharmonic and Chorus Troupes           42 45
戏曲剧团                Local Opera Troupes                       660 758
#京                       Local Beijing Opera Troupes             257 272
曲艺、杂技、木偶、皮影团      Recitation and Ballad Troupes, Acrobatics
  and Circus Troupes, Puppet Show Troupes,
  and Shadow Play Troupes              
780 1242
综合性艺术表演团体 Comprehensive Art Troupes 981 1246
Note: Art performance troupes include within and outside of the system.