174  主要年份文化机构数
Number of Cultural Institutions in Major Years
单位:个 (unit)
    专业剧团 文化馆、艺术馆 图书馆
Year Specialized
Dramatic Groups
Cultural Centers
and Art Centers
1975 54 33 10
1978 54 36 10
1980 55 35 21
1985 54 35 25
1986 52 35 26
1987 51 35 26
1988 45 35 27
1989 44 35 35
1990 42 39 36
1991 42 39 38
1992 42 39 38
1993 41 39 41
1994 36 40 41
1995 36 40 42
1996 39 46 42
1997 39 47 42
1998 39 47 42
1999 36 46 42
2000 35 44 42
2001 36 44 42
2002 32 44 43
2003 32 44 44
2004 29 44 44
2005 29 42 43
2006 78 41 43
2007 84 41 43
Note: Specialized dramatic groups include within and outside of the system.