175  教育事业基本情况20062007
Basic Statistics on Education (2006-2007)
单位:人、所     (person, unit)
             Item 2006 2007
学校数 Number of Schools
普通高等学校 Regular Institutions of Higher Education 38 38
普通中等学校 Secondary Schools 1556 1501
    普通中等专业学校     Specialized Secondary Schools 30 28
   中等技术学校         Technical Training Schools 21 19
  中等师范学校         Teacher Training Schools 9 9
    普通中学     Regular Secondary Schools 1373 1361
   高 中         Senior 286 262
  初 中         Junior 1087 1099
    职业中学     Vocational Secondary Schools 153 112
小 学 Primary Schools 8754 7990
幼儿园 Kindergartens 3376 3351
特殊教育学校 Schools for the Blind  Deaf and Deaf-mute 44 43
专任教师 Number of Full-time Teachers
普通高等学校 Regular Institutions of Higher Education 23717 26089
普通中等学校 Secondary Schools 105428 109274
    普通中等专业学校     Specialized Secondary Schools 1888 2036
   中等技术学校         Technical Training Schools 1389 1552
  中等师范学校         Teacher Training Schools 499 514
    普通中学     Regular Secondary Schools 95782 99807
   高 中         Senior 27207 27822
  初 中         Junior 68575 71985
    职业中学     Vocational Secondary Schools 7758 7431
小 学 Primary Schools 113724 119831
幼儿园 Kindergartens 13615 14270
特殊教育学校 Schools for the Blind  Deaf and Deaf-mute 584 652
招生数 New Student Enrollment
普通高等学校 Regular Institutions of Higher Education 133845 143040
普通中等学校 Secondary Schools 771371 782596
    普通中等专业学校     Specialized Secondary Schools 40570 39900
   中等技术学校         Technical Training Schools 38623 37263
  中等师范学校         Teacher Training Schools 1947 2637
    普通中学     Regular Secondary Schools 643946 649360
   高 中         Senior 184239 186325
  初 中         Junior 459707 463035
    职业中学     Vocational Secondary Schools 86855 93336
小 学 Primary Schools 362368 348940
幼儿园 Kindergartens 364586 358614
特殊教育学校 Schools for the Blind  Deaf and Deaf-mute 1806 1884