17-5  续表  CONTINUED
单位:人     (person)
             Item 2006 2007
在校学生数 Student Enrollment
普通高等学校 Regular Institutions of Higher Education 405118 445800
普通中等学校 Secondary Schools 2078856 2158800
    普通中等专业学校     Specialized Secondary Schools 106736 106960
   中等技术学校         Technical Training Schools 100222 100804
  中等师范学校         Teacher Training Schools 6514 6156
    普通中学     Regular Secondary Schools 1794129 1834364
   高 中         Senior 506077 517666
  初 中         Junior 1288052 1316698
    职业中学     Vocational Secondary Schools 177991 217476
小 学 Primary Schools 2523824 2384527
幼儿园 Kindergartens 530842 535457
特殊教育学校 Schools for the Blind  Deaf and Deaf-mute 12151 11773
毕业生数 Graduates
普通高等学校 Regular Institutions of Higher Education 82004 97445
中等学校 Secondary Schools 611876 606976
    普通中等专业学校     Specialized Secondary Schools 30647 30573
   中等技术学校         Technical Training Schools 27903 28442
  中等师范学校         Teacher Training Schools 2744 2131
    普通中学     Regular Secondary Schools 529475 526891
   高 中         Senior 141448 144197
  初 中         Junior 388027 382694
    职业中学     Vocational Secondary Schools 51754 49512
小 学 Primary Schools 450958 462753
幼儿园 Kindergartens 243047 230516
特殊教育学校 Schools for the Blind  Deaf and Deaf-mute 1994 1971
每一教师负担学生数 Student-teacher Ratio
普通高等学校 Regular Institutions of Higher Education 18 18
普通中等学校 Secondary Schools 20 20
小 学 Primary Schools 22 20
平均每万人在校学生数 Student Enrollment per 10 000 persons
大学生 University and College Students 128 139
中专生 Specialized Secondary School Students 34 33
中学生 Secondary School Students 622 641
小学生 Primary School Students 796 745
Note: Basic statistics excluded data of skilled workers' schools, reformatory schools, adult schools, incumbent learning for Master and Doctor's
          degree and network education.