181  主要年份卫生事业情况
Statistics on Public Health in Major Years
#医院、卫生院 #执   
Year Number of
Hospitals Number of Hospital Beds
Medical Technical
Personnel (person)
1952 742 5031 19807
1957 2185 10255 30290
1962 3591 22971 35681
1965 3938 20314 36762 10234
1970 3579 2183 25038 39813 10475
1975 4221 2286 37300 51536 12442
1978 4789 2294 48948 59934 12870
1980 4686 2316 51194 65441 12806
1985 4796 2170 54054 76486 12577 11724
1986 5095 2140 54801 77437 12895 11921
1987 5136 2136 57178 78382 13201 12156
1988 5148 2151 59514 80153 21004 13688
1989 5229 2152 61912 81219 27789 16027
1990 5248 2154 62568 82690 28824 16929
1991 5326 2153 64057 83973 28652 17163
1992 5328 2160 64978 85204 28643 17557
1993 4807 2114 65859 84125 29516 17714
1994 4795 2590 66891 85586 30915 18298
1995 4801 2505 67243 86041 31169 18692
1996 4777 2567 66339 87542 30733 19289
1997 4743 2553 69591 88423 43178 19593
1998 4643 2438 65934 83696 43423 19804
1999 4552 2351 66003 88569 44453 20263
2000 4382 2250 65666 88619 44940 20773
2001 4151 2020 64981 86430 44666 20533
2002 2725 1717 61875 79850 37873 20729
2003 2705 1682 63287 78628 37122 20629
2004 2539 1574 63899 77516 36603 20249
2005 2447 1463 64674 78780 37321 20842
2006 2478 1450 68298 79805 37511 21269
2007 2410 1447 74785 83736 38739 23972
Note:  a) Number of institutions in this table exclude individual-run medical units.
           b) Indices of health care has been changed since 2002, and their range are not comparable with previous years. Since 2002, institutes,
               hospital beds and medical technical personnel have not covered medical colleges, medical schools and family planning centers. The
               statistical range of doctors and junior & senior nurses is from 1952 to 2001, whereas of certified (assistant) doctors and registration
               nurses since 2002 (the same from 18-1 to 18-5).