1812  城镇企业基本养老保险情况20062007
Conditions of Urban Company Staff Basic Endowment Insurance (2006-2007)
单位:万元、万人 (10 000 yuan, 10 000 persons)
                  Item 2006 2007
年末参加城镇企业基本养老保险的人数 Year-end Contributors of Urban Company Staff Basic
    Endowment Insurance
301.69 329.17
#参保职工     Staff and Workers 197.32 219.98
 #企 业         Enterprises 134.23 143.45
养老保险当年实际缴纳保险金 Actual Revenue of Urban Basic Endowment Insurance
  in Current Year 
794560 1102089
养老保险实际支付人数 Actual Payees of Urban Basic Endowment Insurance 104.37 109.19
养老保险金当年支出额 Expenses of Urban Basic Endowment Insurance
  in Current Year 
910966 1107593
养老保险当年末结余额 Balance of Urban Basic Endowment Insurance
  in Current Year 
453139 774737
应发养老金额 Retirement Pension Supposed to Provide 910966 1107593
实发养老金额 Retirement Pension Actually Provided 910966 1107593
社会化发放人数 Persons Receiving Retirement Pension 104.37 109.19
社会化发放养老金额 Retirement Pension 910966 1107593
离休、退休、退职人员年末人数 Year-end Retirees 104.37 109.19